Monday, July 8, 2024

More About the Antichrist Pope

Hitler's Third Reich was a claim to be the next version of the Roman Empire after the Holy Roman Empire which was basically an extension of the Roman Catholic Church itself.  Hitler was a Catholic, and the Pope didn't have the role of Antichrist as he had it in the earlier version of the empire, but he played a part in his support of Hitler and His role in the organizing of the "ratlines" which were the steady stream of Nazis  to South America after the war to escape prosecution for war crimes.  Hitler also says somewhere that he modeled the Holocaust on the Inquisition.  

So the European Union will be the Fourth Reich or fourth version of the Roman Empire if we follow this trend.  The point is that the Roman Empire has most certainly BEEN revived, we do not need to wait for that event, even for the rising of the European vresion to full prominence in thta role.  It's been revived.  The scriptre that leasds to that expectation has been fulfilled, we do not need to wait for its fulfillment.  

Same with the Great Apostasy.  That was understood by the Protestant Reformers to be the doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church istself, as it accumulated the pagan trappings of the Roman Empire at its predecessors and gradually let them eclipse the Christian elements.  It abaonded the Bible and forbade people to have it in their own languages.  It preserved some of the imagery from it but lost most of the substance.  All this is in the book History of Romanism by Dowling I believe.  The rosary comes from the pagan religions, it is not a Christian element.  The image of mother and child also comes from the pagan religions, going back to Nimrod and Simiramis, which can be traced in the book The Two Babylons by Hislop.  The Catholoic Church with its Bishop usurping the title of head of the Church is certainly the heir of the pagan empires.

And those are depicted in the statue of Nebuchadnezzr's dream given in Daniel Two, which shows the succession of the pagan empires from Babylon through MedoPrsion through Greece under Alexander to the Roman Empire.  And the Roman Empire with its heritage from the earlier three is depicted in the beast that rises from thesea in Revelation Thirteen, shown by the symbols of the lion, the bear and the Leopard which all appear in othe visions from the book of Daniel that describe these successive empires.  

So the Antichrist has been revealed, as Paul said he would be after the great falling away or grea apostasy.  The bishop of Roman  Rome, who usupried the position from three other bishops and made himself into a uasi emperor reigning over what came o be known as the Holy Roman EWmpire, names of coruse for the Church that was its core.  We're just waiting for the last one, the lst Pope, after which the great tribulation is to occur.    

Oh and the beast from the esea has the number six six six and since that number fits the most pertinent and blasphemous title of the Pope, vicarius Filii Dei, being the addition of the latin n....roman numberals in the latin title which is in iteslf a deription of the antichrist as substitute for the son of goGod, the Pope isn't oing to be the false prophet.  He must be the Antichrist because that t's the nubmer of the Antichrist.  Gosh it's all Roman, all Latin, and it all ....    

The great harlot is another element in the story.  Babylon the Great is a reerence to the stue with the gold head or Babylon at the top and the Roman Empire in the feet and legs, sitting on a city of seven mountains which of course is Rome.  And there are two legs, the other being understood by many to refer to Islam which arose about the same time as the Bishop of Rome.  two religions that persueute hertics to maintain power.  

It all works together.  We don't need to wait for any further revelation of these things.  The Great Apostasy continues today as the churches are going through an apostasy to add to the earlier Roman apostasy, the Popes continue, the pagan trappings of the Roman Church Continue.  We're just waiting for the finale.  Or perhaps not "we" since if the pretrib scenario is correct the treue Church will have been raptired away from all this.

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