Monday, July 8, 2024

Catholic Uprisings in Ireland Not what the Catholics Think it Is.

 I want to write something here that may need some correcting later, I hope not much and it may not be much but since I'm going to be writing blind as it were I don't know fur sure.  I did my best considering my literal blindness to research this a little but was unable to make any headway, which is why I'm going to write it blind and hope for the best.   It's risky because it's oging to sound limkeke Catholic bashing to some.  And of course I am biased, being a Protetstant, but I would protest that I' am biased because of what I learned that I'm going to be writing about and was not beiased before I learned it.  So it's not a bias jut built into the situation at all, and perhaps the word doesn't even really apply, it's just that I know some would read it that way.

So.  On the radio Sunday evening I heard talk show host Bill Cunningham talk about his feelings as an Irishman against the Enlgish who accoreding to him killed a third of the Irish over the years out of csheer hatred for their Catholic religion.  YUes he's catholic.  If I ever knew much about the history fo all that I've forgotten it and was aunable to find anything on it in my brief attempt to research it.  What I remember is some years ago finding a talk given by a Protestant Irishman, or that's what I think he said he was, about the historyu of the conflicts in Ireland up through the IRA and all that.  He said that the Catholics are given some false propaganda about all that in order to see themselves as victims in the vonconficts but that as a matter of afact all the conflicts are always started by the raoman Catholic Church and then some are made to look like the Protestants started them.    The Catholics initiate some violence and then the English were forced to bring in tropps to put down the disturbance.  Apprearently that happened many times and there was a lot of bloodshed, but it was always Catholic uprising and English police or military intervention.

One thing that doesn't sound right at all in what Cunningham said is that the English would persecute the Catholics for being Catholic.  That just insn'ta Protestant thing at all.  It's a Catholic thing, however, an official insititutional Catholic thing, to persecute and kill what they consider to be heretics.  It's not that Protestants never engage in such things of course, but it is true that there is no Protestant policy of any sort along those lines while there most definitely is in the Catholic Church.  Inquisition continues wherever they have any way to let it continue.  A Catholic tried to lbloe w up the EnlgishParliament I think in King James's day, celebrated in Englishand as Guy GffAwkes Day though along with all the diminishing of true righteousness in this world that has been less celebrated in recent years as I understand it.  Pope John Paul went to Englihs and had the arrogant chutz;pah to treat Catholics as martyrs who had been exsecute d for crimes against the nation of Englisand.  

Anway, I'm sticking my neck out here to suggest that Bill Cunningham is a victim of the usual propaganda that makes the Irish Catholics the victims and the English the perseuctors althoguh as a matter of actual fact the Catholic Church is behind all the violence i Ireland forever.

Later note:  Chris Pinto has often been my source for information about these things but I'm unable to acces his website any more, or at least it's so difficult to get to it I don't try very often, so Icouldn't look up with he has on this subject.  Hemay hae been the source for this information in the first place, probably was.  

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