Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Judgment Keeps on A Rollin.

 It has often struck me that Christians in general don

t think much in terms of God's judgments in this world, on the national scale or in our own lives.  The Old Testmanent was given for our instruction so we could know cuhch things but few seem to have learned it.  Why did so many miss the clear implication of nine eleven that God was bringing judgment against America?  What is this conceit about how God just eouldn't jsodo such a thing?  There it is in the book of the prophet Amos:  If there be evil in a city, will not the Lord have done it?  And somewhere toward the end of Isaiah EGoGod identifies Himself as bringing both good and evil.  Do they just not read the Old Testament?  

Perhaps it has something to do with a misreading of Jesus' teachings, how we aren't to judge the victims of disasters as guitylyty of some sin or other to deserve it and that sort of thing.  But we don't kneed to judge individuals in any of this to know that  God brings the calamities and they cause great sufferings to many people, whether guilty of any particular sins or not, and uffferings to the whole nation in the case of nine eleven... and Katrina and other weather disasters which seem to be increasing lately.  Seem to be, but hen you go back in history you often find that theuy hasd similarly ferocious weather patterns and we easily forget that.  But there is no such thing as a meanglinless disaster if you take the Old testament seriously.  God made the bricks to fall down and the sycamores to be cut down in a wave of punishemtn by Israel's enemies as reported In Isaiah nine ten, and since they didn't acknolwege His act but proudly set about to rebuild with better materials than bricks and plant better trees than sycamores He goes on to say His hand is still outstretched against them, His anger has not been satisfied.  The similarities with nine eleven in New York City are pretty uncanny if you follow Jonathan Cahn's study of them, so since we know the nation certainly did nothing toward repentance of our sincs we can know that God's hand is still outstreched against us too.  

I listened to audio books of the Little House on the Prairies series recently and wonder how people who were Christians, who read the Innle and presumably tried to live by it don't seem to have sought God to protect their crops from the horrific destruction that came against them year after year, from drought to birds to gophers to a plague of locusts two years in a row.  Not a word about prayer for protection or in repentance or anyting of the sort.   

Just ponder for a moment thw conditions we are living through in the country right now, and how they amount to a threat of disaster from amny angles that could hit us at any time.  Foreigners in the millions illegally whoy of whom hate us, universities taken over by forces of even l who are protesting illegally standard US policy in favor of Israel, protesting in favor of vicious murders, runaway spendin which has brought about an inflation that everyone is feeling, the poorest feeling it the hardest.  But all our remedies are merely human.  Elect trump  Well, if God was the one promoting it Trump would be a very effective instrument for righting many of the wrongs we are suffering from, but why should we expect God to be in favor of any such aid when we keep ignoring Him, don't seek hHim for guidance or acknowledge our sins to Himj and ask forgivenemenss or any of the things Christians are supposted to do?

Well, this post is really just a restatement in other words of what I've written below but it can't hurt to restate it.  God MAY let u have trump again, but propably not with a lot of the same harassments his Presidency had to go through the first time.  Good grief Christians, And I mean born again Protestant Christians because those are the only Christians who belong to God and have standing with Him.  We're to be salt and light in this world and rependiting for our nation even though we may not have shared in its sins is our job.  Dniel the Prophet did that for Israel though he was innocent of all the sins he was confessing.  We share in the sins because we are in covenant as a nation wilth all those who have brought about the evil s we are suffering from.

Any hope?  Not a lot.  But I'd like to be wrong.  On the other hand I'm sure God brought all this to mind for me to write about so since few would pay much attention to anything I write I don't have much hope at leat for my constricbution to the topid.  And I haven't herd much from anyuone else.  Protbably John MacArthur has said a few things about it.  I haven't listened to him for a while.  guess I should do thaty.

Later:  Yes, MacArthur has at last one talk on jidmgnet, Will God Abandon America?  and his answer is yes, Aogd has already abandoned us.This is 

This is probably an old teaching but it's a god presentation of the kinds of sin the nation is most defined by these days, sexual sins of every kind.  

Another teaching by AmacArthur on this subject is A Naion Under God?  this one is particularly good.

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