Sunday, June 2, 2024

It's Bigger Than the Election Of Course

I haven't posted for some time, largely due to health issues and a hospitalization, and I think I should explain again why my posts are so badly written, which is that I have macular degenration and it is in afact a miracle that I can write anything at all, but I can't read what I have written.  I'm aware of the mistakes even as I type them but I can't see to correct them and only hope they won't interfere too much with the meaning for aht I'm saying.  Later I can listen to what I've written using the Read Aloud function if I can find it with my magnifier on the menus, and that makes it quite clear that I've written a huge numbers of typeos and some of them do garble what I'm trying to say to some extent.  All I can do is say I'm sorry for that  and wish it weren't so but the Lord doesn't seem to be interested in healing me but in letting things stand as they are.  


 Everything we are suffering right now is god's judgment against America.  it's all well and good to hear the conservative talk shows identifying the corruptions that have brought it all about, the threat from crimanls coming over the border not to mention the sheer numbers of people that the nation can't support and are illegal anyway, adn the infleation is killoing us, that the Decocrats or at least biden blames on trump instead of on himself who is the one resposnsible for it, and his disastrous foeieign politices that are arming our enemies against us and turning us against Israel, which in igteself exposes us to God's swrath.  Israel is also in violation of God but they are nevedrtheless His people and He has promised to curse those who scurse them as biden is now doing in his politices conscerning the war against Hamas and his tolerance of the protests on behalf of Hamas in this country, of all the outrageous abominations imaginable.  good grief.  But gain, it couldn't be happening if we were in God's favor and obviously we are not.  Our since go back decades and there has been absolution no repentence even mentioned or enacted even by a church that I know of let alone the nation itself.  We used to have Presidents who called for a day of fasting and prayer toward God from time to tome.  Long since we've seen no such thing.  We just go on racking up sins against Him and storing up wrathh against us.

Too many are now on the side of evil for there to be much hope of turning us back.  On the other hand Gideon went to war with a tiny little army at God's command, so if we could muster that pure army of righteous to repent for our sins perhaps we could make some headway against this gallping judgmetn from God.  Sure I'm all for working to get Trum p back into the Presidency, there is nothing else we can do on the human plance at the moment if we are not going to prey and pray and repent, but it can't ammount to much in the end unless we do repent and seek to throw out all the sins we've been committing for the last few decades.  And mayhbe even back to the beginning of the nation for that matter.  I think of Washington's telling the barbary pirates that we aren't a Christian nation.  let's start there then becayuse we ere then and for many years following a Christian nation and that is why God blessed us and p[rospered us.  he isn't going to bless any nation that mixes His truth with other religions which all derive eight her from the uman spirit or from Satah and not from God Himself.  All those have to be given up.  The Pope's visit to Congress a few years ago was a horrendous abomination in the sight of god.  The Pope is the Antichrist as the Protestant Repoformers showed.  nad Giving Islam any say at all in our political life is another abomination.  they are a very effective instrument of God's wrath against us, they are certainly no friend to American.  

Toqueville say the religious nature of america when he visitied and it was a Christian exspression he saw amonth the people, not some generic spirituality.  It is that Christian identity we need to eget back, and that seems impossible right now to tsay the least.  but maybe if we had a gidenon's army of true orthosdox belivers praying and repenting on tbehalf of the nation we could begin the process of turning us back to god.  

Oh but no ecumenical prayers lease.  None of that mixed group thta prays together at prayer breakfsts in Washington.  That is an babomination in itself.  No Catholics, sorry, they do not share the true orthodox Christianity, sorry, no Muslimes, , no native Americans, none obut ture biblical Protestant believers who are born again by the Holy Spirit have the power to rprevail with God on behalf of the antion, 

;If there is evil in a city will not the Lord have done it, the prophet amos says I thinkin chpter three, and My people are destroed for lack of knowledge God says through thrt eprophet Hosea in chapter four I think, meaning lack of knowledg eof Him and His law.  That is what we have lost and that is why there is ivil in our cities and our people are destroyed for lack of knoslwldge of God.

It would be great if we could have a great Awakening such as transformed the nation right before the reevolutionary War and stamped the Christian charatcter on us for a long time to come.  but we are no longer the consistentlyu christian peop[le we ere then and God doeasn't seem at all inclined to ansswer all the prayers for revival that have gone up to Him forf decades now, and that must be because we are inc luding false relgions in our prayers, or that is the conclumsion I cam to some time ago anyway.  I hope god is guiding me in all this and I think He is.

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