Thursday, February 1, 2024

Another One the Liberals Get Aggressively Wrong and Refuse to Think aout: tax Cuts for the Rich

 Hard to get a liberal to listen to this one.  As with most of their opinions, they just blurt out how stupid wrong and crazy it is to cut taxes for the rich.  Just a bunch of greedy capitalists and that sort of thing.  As with most political issues they don't know what they are talking about, and as usual, to repeat myself, they aren't interested in finding out if there is even another point of view oin the subect.

I'm pretty stupid when it comes to money matters myself but I've made an effort to get some of this sortsa kinda clear in my head.  The general idea is that tax cuts for the rich benefit the whole country, they boost the economy, create wealth, spread the wealth, generate prosperiity.  Capitalist policies can do that, Social ist policies dont, they just destroy an economy, making people poorer, killing incentives to create and invent and expand and funneling all the money of the people into the heands of a small ruling class who rule the people, reduced to extreme poveryty, as totalitarian tyrants.

Cuttin taes for the very wealthy frees up their money so that they are motivated to invest it in expanding their businesses or createing new businesses and ctonributing to community projects and so on and so forth.   That happened when Trump cut taxes, and Reagan and so on.  The whole nation benefits.  There are more jobs and business owners can afford to pay higher wages too.  When you strangle them with tasxes and restrictions they cut the work force and cut back on all kinds of things.  That's not how you grow an economy.   It's perhaps counterintuitive but it's not all that difficult to uniderstand if you honestly give it some thought.  Liberal prejudice against the wealthy as such is the probvlme.  Envy perhaps but ignorance for sure.    

They e always saying how supposedly the very rich aren't paying their fair share.  Fair share is a catchword for them.  But they don't know what they are talking about.  They quote a small percentage as the amount of tax paid on his wealth by a wealthy person without considering what that means in reality, which is that even that small percentage of reveneu going into the government amounts to something like forty percent of the revenue the government has, that they get from taxes.  Just a very few ewealthy people paying thta small percentage of their wealth in taxes pretty much runs the govenment.  That's the highest income bracket I'm taking about.  Not many in that bracket but it's a very few people who are supporting the whole shebant.  The next leftl down of wealthy people contributes just a somewhat smaller amount overall but still it's  these wealthy people who are paying for all of us.  What do you mean by "fair share" anyway?  

Just called my brother who keeps track of these things and gets hisnumbersfrom the IRS.  He says that it's the top one percent of income that pays thirty seven perecent of the revenue.  If you count the top twenty perecent, they are paying seventy seven percent, and if you include it all in the top fifty percent  they pay ninety seven point three percent of the tax reveneu.  What fair share were you talking about?:

The bottom fifty percent of income, which includes all us poor people, pay two point one percent of the total revenue, and that bracket include twenty five percent to pay no taxes at all but in fact get "earned income credit" from the government.     What fair share are you talking about?

He also mentioned that cutting taxes on the righ actuall y increases the amount of vrevenue the government receives in ta

Helso mentioned that tit ws four Presidents who accoumplieshed this feat of increasing revenue by cutting taxes:  John Kennedy, yes a Democrat, Reagan, George Bush and Trump.  He says Kennedy made a speaech about how cutting taxes raising traises revenue and that it should b eavilable on You Tube.

Liberals need to get an education in how capitalism builds wealth and socialism shrivels it up.

Meajing national wealth, not just personal wealth.  That's how america became the most prosperous neation on earth.  But of course we're losing it now because of liberals who are now running things and leaving a burned out wasteland behind their every move.

Also, it has been the wealthy who started things like libraries and museums and all sorts of other things that benefit society that wouldn't exist without them.    

Thee are bad wealth popel too.  Who are destroying things.  I could tget into all that but not in this one right now.  

A couple of good sources for this kind of information are Thomas Sowell and WalkterWilliams.  Oh, also Milton Friedman.   

I have this awful feeling that since it doesn't fit the liberal narrative  any liberals reading this will just treat it as a crazy rant or some such, call us MAGA goods, which I heard from some liberal source earlier yesterday, and ignore it al while they bot e for the crazy people who are going to reduce us all to poveryty subject us to criminal assault and require us to walk around human feces on the sidewaklks of all the once beautiful big cities of America.

NOTE:  That was MAGA Goons that got written some other way   I guess I'm now a MAGA goon.   That was said by a few young men running a podcast against Trump and for liberal caues.  They giggle a lot.

Added later:  I can't find where I said by way of example that in the Reagan years due to his cutting taxes revenue increased\\\\\\\\\ doubled, from half a trillion to one trillion.  That's a big increase, all due to cutting taxes.  Counterintuitive, sure, I guess, but true, and according to my brother borne out in every adminstration that cut taxes, those four mentioned.    see, in America you actually have the gfreedom to get wealthy if you have what it takes for that.  It's a special skill and not all of us have it.  Skill, mentality, whatever.  Money bores me but there are those who love working with money.  Those who get rich are in that camp.  We shouldn't envy them, we should understand that they contribute a great deal to the American vision.  The framers of the Constitution tried to design things to avoid the excesses of our fallen nature.  We're all greedy for instance, but that along with all our other foibles can be made to  serve the public good if human nature is rightly understood and contrained by checks and balances.  That's how a poewer mad politician is contrained from becoming a tyrant in America.  He is hedged about by other branches of the government that keep him from fully expressing his worst qualities.  We all have such qualities.  One of the stupidities of the Marxist Left, yes that's what it is now, Marxist although a few decades before not so much, but one of its stupidities is some idea that some people are better than others.  Well in a certain sense of course that's true, but government can't depend on getting the good ones in office all the time.  Socialist nations get ruled by the worlse because there are no contraints against that rule, and what is now happening in America is that our built in contraints are being ignored by the Left, just plain ignored.  Biden has done so many unconstitutional things I'm amazed notobody has stepped in to put a tstop to it.  I don't get it.    Howeverk there's more to this too.  America was once a truly Christian nation, not in that everyone was a born against Christian ut in that the vast majority tried to live by the principles of the Biblical faith.  The culture was shot through with Christian morality.  That's what tOQUEVILLE WAS MOST TSTRUCK BY WHEN HE VISITIED US.  aS SOMEONE PARAPHRASED tOQUEVILLE, aMERIA IS GREAT BECAUSE SHE IS GOOD.  wELL, WE'VE LONG SINCE LEFT THAT WONDERFUL PHASE OF OUR HISTORY, THANKS TO THE FORCES OF EVIL WHO ARE SMARTER THAN THE FORCES OF GOOD.  iN A NATION POPULATED BY PEOPLE TRYING TO LIVE TO THE BIBVLICAL STANDARD VERY FEW REGULATIONS ON THE FALLEN NATURE ARE NEEDED.  sOME FOR SURE SINCE WE ARE FALLEN AND THAT COESN'T CHANGE, BUT FEWER THAN ARE NEEDED NOW, OR SEEMTO BE NEEDED OW.  wHEN PEOPLE ARE GUIDED BY A FEAR OF gOD SO THAT HURTING ANOTHER IS SIMPLY OUT OF THE QUESTION, AND THAT INCLUDES MUDERING OR LYING TO THEM OR STEALING FROM THEM AND SO ON, ALL THE tEDN cOMMANDMENETS, WHEN ALL THAT IS BUILT INTO THE CONSCIENCE OF THE MAJORITY, THE NATION PROSPERS AND THERE IS TOLERANCE AN MORE THAN TOLERANCE, A KINDNESS BETWEEN THE DIFFERENT CLASSES.    i GUESS i'VE GONE ON ABOUT THIS ENOUGH FOR NOW.


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