Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Liberal recalcitrance

Back in the doldrums.  Got too optimistic about solving the great political divide problem .  Too manyu voices telling me can't be done.  Doesn't matter what you say, even if you prove to them they've been lied to about Trump they hate trump anyway and just don't care.  give it up.  That's what I've been hearing.  Maybe they're right.  Hard to believe that ALL libetals would be that stubborn and closed to the influence of actual facts but what do I know?  

I did remember one other exchange I wanted to report.  I get that they are unhappy about the Roe v Wade decision , of course.  The fact that it was an illegal law that was simplty removed from national status to be thrown back to the states ;isn't interetsing to them I guess.  Who cares if it was illegal, we awanted that law, or something like that.  Well sure, lots of laws that were created by the Supreme Court instead of by the legistlature which is supposed to be the cretor of laws, are what they want.  I guess they don't care if it's all done illegally as long as it's what they want.  Gay marriage for instanc3e.  

I'm surpirsed that they continue to use some pretty tired and false defenses of the supposed Pro Choice position.   Nboody just rushes into aboritnon they say, it's often an agonizing decision, something to be very careful about.  take your time, do it for the right reasons, not impuslsively etc.    But tehy know and I kow, many women know from personal experience of self and friends and acquaintances that that simply is not true.  Abortions are sought in the vast jamority of cases because the baby is unwanted , period.  Perfectly healthy mother, perfectly healthy baby, just inconvention at the time.  Even some marriaed peopl ego for abotrtion.  It's uised as a sort of birth control in the vast ajority of cases and that idea that anyone spends any time agonizing over it is just  a silly lie to make it sound nicer or something.  Good greif.    Besides, how would one agonize over such a decision anyway?  If it's a human being you are thinin g of killing, how much agonizing is really possible anyway?  The liefe of the mother , sure, burt that one is very rare and it's a doctor's decision rather than the woman's.    'm juxg xupfixdc ghzg znyhond soulc zllos hdfxdlv go mzkd xu h z xilly zfbumdng.\\

then I heard that a woman in texas aws denied an abortion under the new state's law although her life was indceed threatened, the idea being that Texas doesn't have a lwaw that protects the woman.  Well, Texas does.  There was some kind of medical qursyion about whether the woman's life really was in jeopardy.  It was not about the law at all, but a octor's call.  Maybe the doctor was wrong.  I don't know, but it wasn't about the law.   Why don't our liberal friends get these things sort ed out before they get all emotional about how pro lifers would even kill the mother in order to esave the baby.  Even liberal s who live in liberal states have some feverishly emotional worries, in liberal states where there will be the most liberal laws available for abotion for any purpose whatever.  Good grief.  

I have to suppose they really don't think it's a baby, haven't really faced the fact that from conception it has all the DNA to maeke a particular individual human being that will continue to grow into that human being if you let it be.  So that interfering with it's growht is to take the life of a human being.   I remember when I finally had to face that fact.  It broke my heart because I had had an bortion when I was twenty.   I was told it was just a piece of tissue.  Nosw I think of it as my child I hope to meet in the presence of Jesus.

We have too many laws these days that violate God's Law, and what theat means is that God's wrath abides on this nation.  It was a relief that WRoe v Wade was sent back to the states where it belongs because that took it out of its status of national abomination which was killing millions of babies every year, sixty mtwo million I think by now.  That's a lot of bmurdered human souls cring out to God.   gay marriage is also an affront to Goed.   We left out original Christian culture long ago.  We are now under God's wrath, have been for decades by now, which explains a lot of the destrution we are witnessing at the hands of the Mraxists.  they are the cause of our being under God's judgment, and now are being used as God's tool of judgment.  It would take a miracle to reverse this.  I guess we can pray and hope.  Pray as the prophet daniel prayed, confessing the nisins of the nation to God.  But in all probabiltiy we won'd be able to do enough before Jesus returns and brings it all to an end anyway.  I guess we have to keep trying nevertheless.

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