Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Strange how He Thinks We're the Arrogant Deluded Ones

Didn't I just declare that Ai have no interest in thinking any more about what Sam Harris has to say? So why am I thinking more about it? Enough even to wish I could write a book debunking it all. \
It's really quite astonishing how flqatly assertive he is about what are nothing but his own prejudices. Jesus was nothing but a First Century carpenter who had the misfortune to get himself crucified and we're all just incredibly foolish to think he can hear our thoughts and our preayers. I guess he does believe that his assessment is the unassailable truth, but based on what?

when I read the Bible I hear the voices of human souls with intelligence and honesty. When he reads it he must have to dmismiss every other word basedc on his own prejudi ces. Prejudice against the content of what is said. He has a prejudice that there is no such thing as the supernatural so anything that suggests that there is just has to bbog. eventually he's left with a few bare bones facts such as that Jesus was a carpenter. His claims to have come down from heaven have to be thrown out. Th4e testimony of the disciples who saw him both dead and then alive have to be thrown out. The testimony of the disciples who saw him rise into a cloud and disappear have to be thrown out. All themiracles have to be thrown out. And that is because, to his way of thinking, it's irrational, and therefore false, to think of any of that is true. So all the disciples have to be liars. And Jesus himself. Or just deceived because after all they are merely Iron Age people.

Oh well.

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