Sunday, June 12, 2022

Sam Harris and the atheist Refusal to Address what Christinaity actually Claims

I really really do not want to get far into this but it's hard to leave it completely alone. THing is I was skipping around You tube as I often do, inpursuit of comments on such things as evolution, debates and so on, and I wantdered into a thicket of atheists arguing against religion. All religions, as if they're pretty much all the same thing. the mainj one is sam Harris and I find it hard to listen to him because he misrepresents the whole hisrory so egregiously, and particularly Christianity. jesus was a carpenter who unfortunately managed to get himself crucified. ,br>
If he's going to talk about Christianity that way, how is it possible to talk about it at all? At the very least he should be required to respond to what the biblde itself actually says because that's what Christianity is, hot his ridiculouxs caricature.

Seems to me, in response to what Harris said, that the only way to talk to him would be to insist on what the bible says and on the orthodox theology that explains what it says. And just require him to respond to what it actually says and claims. It claims that Jesus is God incarnate. You can spell out the accounts of that. What can he say but that he just doesn't believe that. That's really all he's going to be able to say to anything the bible claims. well, we believe what it says and what he reduces it to is utterly irrelevant. Does h4e have anything to say other than that he doesn't beleive it and he thinks we're idiots for believing it? AProbably not. I think that's where the discussion ends.

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