Saturday, March 5, 2022

Ukraine deceptions part 2

Sitting here with my mind blown since hearing Chris Pinto's show about Deceptions over the war in Ukraine. Al that carrying on about how evil Putin is and how he's the aggressor and nobod's quite sure what his motivations are in invading but there's lots of speculation about recorering the old Soviety Union or osmething like that, all that may be hot air. What if Putin was simply telling the truth that he's going into Ukraine to Denazify it? Or to protect the Russian community there?

That's dismissed as wrongfully siding with Putin. But you don't have to think Putin is a paragon of virtue or a good guy in any general sense to recognize that he may very well be doing exactly what he said he's doing. In order to consider that, of course, you need to have more facts about the history of the situation than we've been getting on the mainstream media. Facts of the sort Chris Pinto gives on his radio show, about the coup in 2014 that ousted a pro=Russian democratically elected president and brought the government under the control of radical leftists. And Nazis. Both somehow, hard to sort this out but aparently there are real Nazis, or neo-Nazis invovled, who fly the swastika flag. Chris mentions a picture of a group of them 3with their flag together with some NATO representatives.

The big mindblowing fact is that it was actually Ukraine that started this war, not Russia. This comes from the reported Patrick Lancaster who has many videos up at YHou Tube in which he is on the ground in Ukraine going around interviewing the Russians who are being attacked. One of his videos about such an attack was made before the Russian army started to move in . Clearly Ukraine started this, and the Russians they attacked asked Putin to send help. but we are not hearing that are we?

Although Trump was lambasted by the media for sipposedly ssupporting Putin by saying he's smart, I didn't have the impression he was sayinbg he approved of what Putin was doing, far from it, I took it that he was giving an excuse for the invasion that was false and that was clever of him. I don't know if I even got that right, I don't really know what Trump was saying. Since then he seems to have made it very clear that he's no friend of Putin, though, which is what has always been true.

But in this case, without in any way holding hands withP Putin I'm now getting the impression that his story is probably true, he's defending the Russians in Ukraine and fighting the Nazis there, part of the radical govefernment of Ukraine who started by attacking those Russians. The Russians are traditionalists, Russian Orthodox Christians, according to Chris Pinto, who don't want to join the EU with its gay rights and transgender agendas, and the radical Ukrainian groups wan6t to override them.

Well, that's what I get out of this so far. Who knows where it's going to go. But now it's looking to me like we shoujldn't be sending arms to Ukraine but rather to the Russians in Ukraine. Somwethintg like that.

Well, that's not a good idea, but at least it sounds like we shouldn't be supporting Ukraine.

Chris Pinto goes on from there to the role Islam plays in the global agenda. Bringing Muslimjs ihto the west and into Ukraine, and that's another thing the Russians are opposed to. Apparently Putin is on record opposing the gay agenda, even wanting traditional Christian marriage written into their laws, and is also opposed to the Muslim agenda which of course is designed to dest5roy the cultures of the west including Russia and Ukraine. Definitely reasons we should ot be supporting the radical Ukrainian governement.

Chris says his next radio show will be about the interpretation from some prophetic minhistries that this russian action could lead to the invasion of Israel in fulfillment of Ezediel 38. I haven't spent any time on that part of end times prophecy, but it's interesting that as he's putting together that topic, Jan Markell's next radio show on Understanding the Timnes is to be about Ukraine and include how it relates to that prophecy. Her view is what Pinto will be arguing against. Should be an interestingt week.

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