Saturday, March 5, 2022

In Ukraine the Good Guys and the Bad Guys May Not Be What You've Been Hearing

Should have learned by now that when I find myself beliecving what i hear on the news, or mostly believing it since I'm always wary to some extent, anyway then I should take it as a red flat and pray to know the truth. Which I more or less do anyway but in this case I was going along with the idea that Russia is the aggressor and Ukraine the beleaguered freedom-loving victim, and now I'm finding that may not be the truth.though I hasten to add that it would be folly at this point to think I know enough to say what the truth is. Neverhtless this is very interesting. On You Tube theres a Patrick Lancaster who is in Ukraine where the war is going on and loudly claiming that it's Ukraine that is shooting at the Russian sectors, targeting civilizians. We've been hearing that Russia is doing that, but according to Lancaster it's Ukraine:
I heard about Lancaster's videos from Chris Pinto's latest radio show at Noise of Thunder. He goes into the history of the political situatiohn there, which is not exactly what the mainstream media have been telling us it is. Radical Ukraining elements in the government, both leftwing and Nazi.

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