Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Bible is not Just Another Ancient Book for Scholarly Investigationn, It's the Onlyy True Guide to Reality

Last night's Coast-to-coast radio show hosted by George Noory (he spelled it on air for which I'm grateful) wasn't about the paranormal but about the Dead Sea Scrolls. the guest was a scholar not a believer though he seems to have a sorta kinda belief in something from the jewish point of view. The scrolls are all of the Hebrew Bible, all Old Testament and he mentioned how all the OT books are repesented in teh scrolls, the Isaiah scroll being completely intact which the others are fragments, and that the text is exactly the same text we use today. He has a few opinions about the New testament and jesus too although he is an unbeliever and none of that is represented in the scrolls.

It's always annoying to me how the "scholars" have to refer to the dates involved as BCE and CE for Before Common Era and Common Era, instead of the traditional BC for Before Chirst and AD for Ano DComini or Year of Our Lord. So prissy of them they just have to cancel out any hint of religion although you'd think they'd at ledast resepcdt the fact that the traditional dates are part of the culture of Western Civilization. Amazing how anything that points to the true God has to be expunged although the same people who like to do that are often very zealous to preserve other kids of cultural markers.

Nothing in the show shed any light on recent topics that I could see. My posts about the occult and paranormal emphasize that the BHible is the explanation for all such things, but this show wouldn't relate to that. You have to beleie the Bible for one thing for it to be authoritative about anything such as demons. If you don't believe it you're just going to go onj as mostof Noory's guests do, just wandering around in all sorts of speculations of the human mind, dreaming up extraterrestrials and other dimensions and so on when it seems pretty clear to me that the demons are responsible for all of it. We only really know about demons from the Bible. But you've got to beliee it, you can't just treat it as one of many interesting works about "the other side>'

Which reminds me thta I've heard quite a bit lately from other sources about how so much of today's political ideology is "religious" in nature. Wokeness for instance. A lot of the COVID craziness for instance. I know what they mean of course, they mean it's all held irrationally as a sort of faith without evidence or actually aainst the evidence. ]

That could apply to some political positiohs and some religions botyh, but the way it's getting used it's made to represent all religion and that of course drivesw me crazy. Christianity is not relitgious in that sense. They seem to think that faith is an irrational thing in itself, as in "blind faith," but that was never what is meant by the word in Christianity. Faith is a trust you place in a person or doctrinyou have good reaon to believe is eminently trustworthy, and in the cast of Christian faith the Bible provides the evidence. Of course you have first to beleive the bible is trustworthy and if you don't you'll never have the necessary evidence. As the Deaad Sea Scrolls scholar said, some even doubt that Moses was a real person. Forget eidence of any sort if you are willing to doubt such basic information. The doubts are what is irrational in this case, The doubts are rthe "religion" in the sense I mention above.

If you believe the Bible is the word of God, "God-breathed" as scripture says, then it becoes the door to an amazing world of information you can't get anywhere else. Real information. Knowledge of all kinds of things the fallen mind can't figure out on its own. "Faith is the subtstance of things hoped for, " says the scripture, :the evidence of things unseeen." In the most everyday sense we hve to have faith in all sortgs of things we have no other way to verify by experience and when it comes to the supernatural we hvae to depend on witnesses and that means we have to be satisfied that the witnesses are trustworthy.

Trust it and see glories unimaginable. Don't trust it and get led down all the primrose paths the devil lovs to take you down knowing your fallen mind is attracacted to them.

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