Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Discussion of Exorcism by a Catholic Priest on the Coast-to-Coast radio show

George Noori's guest on his Coast-to-Coast radio show last night was a priest, actually an archbishop, who does exorcisms. SHad to listen to that one because I did a recent post on it. Interesting that Noori asked him why it's always Catholic priests who do exorcisms and don't others such as rabbis and Protestant ministers? He did say others do it. And they do. I've read of Protestants who have a ministry of exorcism. there is a man in the Northwest, connected with a football team somehow as I reccall, who deals with demon possession, but it's been a long time since I heard about him.

As I've said, a Catholic priest can't have power over demons because he doesn't have the power of Christ whose power is the only power demons will obey. Nowhere did the priest mention Jesus Christ at all. When he finally did describe his method it turns out to be a series of repetitive prayers which he didn't quote. The Bible says repetitive prayers are uselyess but Catholics don't much care what the Bible says about a lot of things. It's just one of the sources they consider to be authoritative. for a Protestant the Bible is THE authority, it's the voice of God Himself.

The priest called his method a "ritual," and how a ritual could be expected to have influence over a liing intelligent creature I can't imagine. I wonder what is really going on here since it's hard to believe his methods accomplish anyhthing at all. He says he knows when the person has been freed from possession because color comes back into his face and there is a sort of perfume in the air, the smell of roses. That's interesatint but I wonder what it means. Are the demons pretending to leave or what? It occurs to me that since Roman Catholicism is false religion, the Antichrist religion, and they woujld be happy to support such a contradiction of the true religion and God Himslf, if they might really leave to make the priest look good. I wojder a lot of things agbout this.
The priest is right as far as it goes that the demons are motivated to insult God. But they are also motivated to keep people from finding salvation in Christ, which is a major thrwarting of God's power. A lot of the demonic activity that I think is what most of the phenomena on this radio show are really all about, are aimed at interrupting salvation in one way or another. Keeping people from believging in it and seeking it for instance. Since the Catholic Church has a false teaching about salvation it is no threat to the demons, it is working alongside their efforts.To contradict the bible, meaning to contradict God, just as Satan did in Eden when he seduced Eve into disobedience of God, to keep people from salvation, to keep Satan in power over this world as the Prince of tHIE wORLD AND SO ON. tHAT'S THE MOTIVATION OF THE DEMONS. aND THE ROMAN cHURCH AS WELL. .


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