Friday, February 18, 2022

Despite the Hopeful Resistance, the Trajectory Remainjs Hellbent Toward the Grand Finale of Planet Earth

We are losing the best form of government ever devised in this fallen world, a goverrnment that allows the maximum of personal freedom and safety for the citizenry, promotes the most effective means to prosperity for the nation as a whole as well as individual citizens. It was devised by men who knew the history of governmental tyrannies and the record of events that had pushed them back from time to time, and designed the American Constitution to be the best safeguard of those improvements they could invent.

But we are losing it now. We've been losing it for decades but we've now arrived at the point where we can actually see it collapsing around us and bringing us back under the tyranny it was designed to prevent. ,br>
We are seeing some good news as more and more people are resisting the tyrannies coming at us all over the globe. It's a mixed bag, the forces of evil crack down, resistance movements rise up, followed by more crackdown and so on. Jan Markell's program this week does her usual thorough job of covering the current situation:

Christians don't have to worry despite the possibility of great suffering as a result of the globalist agenda which is as usual primarily aimed against God because that's Satan's mission from beginning to end, to usurp God's place and rule the planet himself, so it's really the unbelievers who are going to suffer the most and certainly after this life if they don't turn to Christ. The fallen mind is unfortunatley attracted to Satan's plans, having no ability to see the big picture that is given to us in the bible and nowhere else. Build Back Better sounds good to some thought what it really means is dismantling the only systems of government that serve the real needs of humanity, and most successfully the US version of that government.

The resistance is good to see but there's unfortunatley good reason to expect that it can't prevail. Maybe it could give some temporary reprieve but in the end it's going to be crushed because the underlying driving force in the world right now is God's judgment against the nations, and the US is one of them. There is Christian participation in the resistance, there is prayer and activism based on it, but the massive repentance and turning back from the causes of God's judgment are not eough of a part of it. To say the least. We resist the loss of the great accomplishments of former Christian generations, but what is needed is a return to the mentality that brought them about and that woulde mean drastic sacrificial repentance and a rolling back of decades of evil social policies, most of them the loudest most aggressive policies being pushed on us right now. Anti God policies. Transgenderism? Oh so angrily destructively self-righteously demanded of us. Just to mention one.As long as great numbers of people are convinced such policies are righteous the pushback is going to fail. Barring a miraculous move of God, but we are under His judgment. Such an act of mercy is alwasys possible but we've needed it for so long already hope is hard to hold onto..

Judgment is well underway, nations are being destroyed and being set up for further destruction. the forces of the destructionj are self-righteously movivated, delyuded that their policies are what is needed to right all the wrongs in the world. It's a potent method. Demonize the real solutions, the ones who know what is really needed, silence them and deprive them of normal supports and benefits while bringing on the "better" guilding-back that will certaily bring the nation to ruin. Diabolical.
Because the Building Back defies God's Law. the Marxism of the sixties that started this ball rolling could have been called The Sin Liberation Front. It's sin that destroys people. The more sin you can promote in the world the sooner the world will come to ruin.Call sin righteous and there you have it. Call sin normal and there you have it.

Again I remember John Adams' warning that the US Constitution was designed for the govewrnment of a moral an dreligious people, which the people were for the most part in his day and for some time afterward, but we are certainly not atht kind o people now. And the sixties made a virtue of amany of he sincs identified in God's word. "Liberation" movements wmade a mockery of the idea of freedom enshrined in the Constitution. Freedom to sin is what they made of it. Lawsuits supposedly based on the Constitution oh so righteously kicked the Bible and prayer out of the public schools, oh so righteously brought us the legal murder of the unborn, oh so righteously gave sacred rights to pornography, oh so righteously violated God's marriage ordinacy by legalising gay marriage. THAT is why we are under God's judgment and it is so aggressively being promoted today what hope to we have of rolling it back And that's just a very short list of how we'veve made a mocerky of God's Moral Law.

I keep coming back to that line in Hosea:

Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy chil

The knowledge they lack and we lack is the kknoweldge of God and God's Moral Law, the knowledge that the wages of sin is death, the knowledge that all suffering is the result of the Fall and our continuing sin. We are destroyed as God''s people Israel were destroyed, because we lack the knowledge of sin as the cause of God's judgmetns and those jusdgements are destruction. Though other kinds of knowledge may be very valuable, it is the lack of this knowledge, the knowledg eof God Himself, that leads to the destruction that verse is talking about. If you read the whole book of Hosea, and indeed mmost of the prophets, you see over and over that God's people are judged in horribly destructive events for their violations of God's Law, for their ins and their idolatries. A few lines before Hosea 4:6 the sins of the peopleare listed, a list of violations of some of the Ten Commandments, the people being said to lie and steal and murder and so on. THAT is why they are being destroyed and it is the lack of knowledge of that connection that God is talking about. And it goes on in that very verse to say not only do they lack knowledge but they reject the knowledge. As do the nations of the modern world. They tear down the monuments to the Ten Commandments in the US. We cdespise the knowledge that would keep us from destruction.

It's already here but more is coming. The resistance movements are cheering but when you see the dimension of the problem you must see that such movements are just a drop in the bucket and judgment is going to keep coming. <

And the sclae of it, the global scale of it, the rumblings of global amibtionjs we see in the WEF and the UN, certainly suggest a judgment on the order of The Day of the LORD, or the Great Tribultion of the very last days. Jan Markell thinks that's what the WEWF's Great Reset is, and I think she's right.

THE ONJLY PROTECTION IS PERSONAL SALFATION. The fallen world isn't going to turn back, your onjly hope is God Hiimself.

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