Monday, February 21, 2022

Chris Pinto talk on the Christian history of America

Crhris Pin6to, part one of talk on Christian history of America

Did the English settlers of America steal the land from the natives?
No, they purchased it.
Did the English settlers of America commit genocide against the Indians?
No, after the time of peace between them and Chief Massasoit, Massasoit's son attacked the settlers with the aim of killing them all.

Was the American Revolutioinary war rebellion of fhte knid scripture denounces as the sin of witchcraft?
No, That rebellion is reballion against God, but the rebvolutionary war was a just rebellion against an unjust tyrant who himself was a rebel against God.


The early American colonists had the historicist view of the Antichrist as the papacy and part of their aim in settling the new land was to keep the Antichrist from geting a foothold in it. Chris Pinto has the same Historicist view of eschatology rather than the futurist interpretation of the Pre-Tribulation rapture. That is the view that the book of Reveloation desribes events unfolding over history rather than in the seven-year period of the Pre-Trib scenario. As I see it, there is nothing in Revvelation that says when the Antichrist will be revelaed, it describes events during his reign, so that the Reformers' view of his appearance as having occurred in the seventh century is reasonable, and doesn't contradict most of the Pre-Tribulat9ion interpretation. The timing of his appearance is given in Thessalonians and the details of it are given in the book of Daniel. All that is consistent with his appearance as the elevation of the bibshop of Rome in 56-6 AD as the Reofmers saw it. I means we are not waiting ofr him to be revelated, his has been revealed, which had to happen berfore the Day of the LORD come come, and now that we know who he is we are waiting for the other elements of the last days to unforld druing which he will take world power. He already has a world prescence but it remains for him to rise to the very top, which has been the aim of the papacy through the Jesuits since the Reformation, to reclaim the power he had over the Holy Roman Empire.

Seeing ALL of the end times scenario as historically fulfilled denies the time frame given in the book of Daniel which is perhaps the biggest problem I have with it. It seems to me Seventieth Week of Daniel HAS to be reserved for the Day of the LORD, otherwise known as the Great Tribulation. Otherwise it has no fulfillment. The three and a half years of the reign of the Antichrist described in Revelation perfectly aligns with the prophecy in Daniel where that period of time is emphasized over and over. It MUST refer to the reign of the Antichrist at the very end. As I see it. And it seems awfully close as the WEF has been shaping up their Great Reset and formerly free coutnries are being usurped by tootalitarian governments against innocent citizens, as the precursors to the return of Christ He described are unfolding in wars and rumors of wars, pestilences from Ebola tgot COVID, threat of famine with current inflation and so on. Will it be pushed back? For a while perhaps, or maybe it won't. Wait and see.

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