Thursday, December 2, 2021

Questions and Thoughts for Dan Bongino about his COVID and Salvation

Got lost trying to find Dan Bongino's email so gave up to write my message here. He'll never see it out here in the cyberboonies but it's got a general message too that belongs in a post, and maybe eventually I'll find his email anyway.

Bongino took over the radio time that Rush Limbaught used to have. He's nothing like Rush but he's a strong radio host so I think he's a good replacement. I usually only hear part of his show which was also the case with Rush, or all the talk shows for that matter.

Anyway he recently reported two things about his personal life that raised issues. the first was his report of having had COVID last week, that it was a very bad case although he'd been vaccinated, and he mentioned that he was given certain treatments: I think he mentioned vitamin D but I'm bnot sure of that, though he did mention Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin and Quercetin as well as Monoclonal Antibodies. he got all this in Florida where Governor DeSantis has made treatments available to everybody.

I wondered immediately why he had such a bad case of COVID and suspect he wasn't taking anything to boost his immune system as we all should be doing. I don't know since he didn't say but I'd really like to know. We should all be taking Vitamin D above all, but C helps and Zinc is important. At least those. But prophylactic doses of Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquinea are a very good idea too and lots of people who have chosen not to be vaccinated take those things. HCQ and Quercetin are ionophores which act to open the cell to zinc. It's zinc which kills the virus. A higher dose at the beginning stage of infection is for treating the disease. But again, vitamin D is the main thing everybody should be takinprotect against the virus.

The authorities won't tell you that, all they want to do is push the vaccines, and we know by now that the vaccines do not prevent the disease. they say they protect from the worst bouts of it and from death but after what Bongino said I wonder about that too.

He was given these things as treatment, though, he reported, but he didn't mention zinc and I 'd like to know if that was merely an oversight or he wasn't given zinc. Zinc is essential with botyh HCQ and Quercetin, both of which he said he was given, so they would hve been more or less useless if no zinc was given with them. Any zin in his system from his diet would get into the cells but that is not likely to be anywhere near enough to knowck out the virus. The Ivermectin, however, should have helped, as long as it was given early enough which it sounds likme it was -- within a few days of his first symtpomns.

But from what I've been hearing it would have been the Monoclonal Antibodies (I think that's what the drug Regeneron is) are just about miraculous at curing the diseease at whatever stgage it's given, so if the other treatments didn't do much, and who knjows, that certainly would have.

Butt the question I had was whether they gave him zinc.

The other topic is about his life as a Catolic. It sounds like he's a sincere believer who prays and tries to live the Christian life, but he isn't saved and doesn't know it, as Catholics usually aren't taught the truth about salvation. At one point he said about someone else that he should realize he's going to have to give an account of his deeds when he reaches those pearly gates, as if that's what everyone will have to do. But it's only those who are not saved who will be judged by their deeds and he apparently doesn't know that. He doesn't know that Jesus died for our sins and paid the FULL price for our salvationj so that there isn't one thing for us to do except believe it and trust in it. (He might find if he ever does get saved that all that rough language he has so much trouble controlling just goes away. That's what happened to me, just about the first clue that I was saved was how my bad language just disappeared. Unfortunately it came back again later through bad company -- even though we're saive, meaing our spirit is regenerated, we will not be completely free of the flesh or sin nature until we die. In this life we have to learn to choose to “walk in the Spirit” so we won’t fall into the flesh.) but I',m motly successfully resisting it nows.)
So that's for Dan Bongino and anybody else it might apply to:


1. Was he taking anything such as Vitamin D to protect against COVID before he got sick? It’s possible hed not have had such a severe case if he had been.

2. Was he given zinc with the HCQ and Quercetin as treatment or not? If not they problably didn’t contribute anything to his recovery.

3. As a Catholic he's been deprived of the truth about salvation and he needs to recognize that we are saved ONLY by grace through faith in Christ and our good deeds have NOTHING to contribute to it. They are the result of salvation, not the means to it.

SOURCES FOR THE INFORMATION about COVID prevention and treatment: Dr. Vladimirr Zelenko, ,Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Peter McCulough, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Simone Gold, Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter, among others. h

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