Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Evolution Rant

When evolutionists talk about human institutions and culture as if evolution explains it. I mostly just get bored and annoyed. I despised Sociobiology and the claim that altruism had a physical evolutionary explanation. Blesh. Balderdash. And that was before I was a Christian. Even in those days I had problems with evolution. Some of it was about physicalistic explanations in general. Anyhthing that explained mental states in phyhsicalistic terms was abhorrent to me. I had conniption fits over Behaviorism and Behaviot Therapy which was all about "conditionint" and treated the mind as an "epiphenomen" a conceon that never acquired any meaning for me, and evolutionary theory also relegates mind to a position subordinate to physical reality.. Blesh.

I also made some effort back then to explore evolutionary tgheorybecause I diddn't like it. When I did it always seemed to keep dissolving into nonsense. I couldn't get hold of anything like an evidentiary trail for any of it.

Through all that I didn't conclude that the theory was false. I had read Darwin's Origin of Species and was impressed with his careful way of thinking things through. But you know what? Very little of it is scientific in the empirical sense. In that dichotomy between rationalism and empiricism it's rationalism. And really, so is everything they do with evolutionary thinkinjg in any context now too. it's mostly mental construction, not empirical science. I don't even know what they're talking about when they use terms like "selection" or "adaptation" these days. They apparently are saying "Such and such a behavior is there in most of the population, therefore it is the product of selection and of course it was selected because it's adaptive." that's about the extent of the evidence.

It wasn't until I read some of the creationists that I finally saw that you could go after evolutionary theory from a scientific standpoint. Then it became fun to think things through for myself. All I care about is the claim that species evolved from species. When discussion gets all wrapped up in how a particular trait emerged and functions I'm not really interested. The problem is that an evolutionary history is assumed for that trait and it's spoken of as a reality though it's nothing but a thought system.

Rationalistic ystems are a plague. Marxist is a vicious evil plague and it's all rationalistm, there isn't one anchor point in reality in Marxism. Or in the theory of evolution either.

I suppose I'll have to eat some of my words here since all I'm doing is venting and ranting. Oh well. I

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