Monday, November 1, 2021

Siete Años, Entonces Tres y Medio Años, Después de que Comienza El Dia del Señor

UPDATE: Since my Spanish is probably pretty bad, that title is meant to say: Seven Years, and Then Tthree and a Half years, (the three and a half beginning in the middle of the seven, not afterward in case that's what it sounds like), these time frames occurring After the Start of the Day of the LORD. Hope that clears up any possible confusion. /update

Most of the people who are leavintg the countries where totalitarian shackles are in the making probably have no idea they may be facing the Grand Finale of Planet Earth rather than a temprary political situation of whatever duration..

I've already seen God's hand in aspects of this situation as it's been playing out in my own personal circle, so I've come to think of this as His merciful provision for those He has chosen to be saved during the coming Tribulation. Many of course will be martyred, but some may very well be hidden away in various refuges. I don't know, it's a possibility that's all.

It's sad how many people not only don't see the end times scenario shaping up but don't even see what is happening as a problem at all, don't see the threat of being shackled. There is nevertheless a large population of people who see it coming, those mentioned in the video two posts below who are aware and being scared into making a move. Others have chosen to stay and fight as they also point OUT. so we hope and pray for their success.

I've been considering joining my family band it's still a possibility but the more I think about it the more I'm convinced I'm just not up to it physically. I could always write my blog from wherever I am after alI, I just doubt it's going to happen that way. 'm glad the Lord gave me time with them before they left. even before they knew where they would be going, or even that they would be going anywhere at all. Yes He arranged even that. He even arranged that I'd just happen to have on hand all kinds of provisions I don't normally have, that suit their tastes and needs morer than my own, though I didn't know they were coming until they were just about on my doorstep. It's always a great thrill to see God's hand in events. He also arranged that post about the statues that I had no clue I was going to write until the last minute, and I have no idea why that particular subject took priority as it did but I leave that up to Him. There are many aspects of the last days that could be discussed, He chose that one, I didn't.

Knowing His hand is guiding it all helps us to face the future with less fear, and even with the faith to "do exploits" as the KJV version o the book of Daniel says. I don't expect to be here but I write a lot of what I write for those who will be.

Come soon, Lord Jesus.

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