Sunday, October 31, 2021

Next on the Antichrist's Agenda?

So Biden met with Pope Francis last week. Just another emblem of the destruction of America. And now I'm waiting for the Pope to "confirm a covenant with Israel" which the Antichrist is expected to do according to the book of Daqniel, which act is interpreted to be the beginning of the Great Tribulation. Perhaps the covenant Trump forged between Israel and some of the Arab nations? wait and see.

It's really breathtaking to consider how the Antichrist and his kingdom the Roman Empire, have been among us for millennia and even after the Reformation continue to go unrecognized as the evil force in the world they are. Over a billion members in what is falsely taken to be a Christian church. Combine that with the 1.9 billion Muslims which there is reason to expect to come about in the last days, and we're talking a formidable organization ruled by Satan that has been among us all this time. The tens of millions of CHristian martyrs during the Inquisition have been forgotten. Some Protestant churches even regard the RCC as just another denomination. Talk about a Great Delusion.

There are certainly Roman Catholics who follow Christ instead of the Pope, but they need to hve their eyes opened and leave the institution.

This delusion has been manufactured by Jesuits of course and huge numbers have fallen for it. Anyway it's all in place, all ready for the curtain to rise on the Seventieth Week of Daniel or the GreatTribulation. I hope the Pre Trib scenario is correct and the Chruch will be gone, but there are going to be lots of people during that horrrific period who will come to Christ in the most horrifying ways possible. As it is said in Revelation, this is the patientce and the faith of the saints. They are going to need it.l

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