Monday, November 22, 2021

Israel, God's Clock, and Thorn in the Flesh of this Fallen World

Fascinating historical information in the latest Understanding the Times radio show by Jan Markell. Al about the establishment of the state of Israel and the role of Britain and the US. America has a spotty history regarding our attitude to the Jews and to Israel, as discussed in this show. Rejecting or ignoring when we should have helped but then coming through at crucial moments, particularly under Harry Truman and Richard Nixon, and of course most recently Donald Trump, to support and defend them.

Her guest for this hour is Steven Briggs, The maker of a film series that includes one titled "America and the Israel Effect," a filmI want to see when I can. It's not at Amazon though. the theme is that whoever blessed Israel will be blessed and whoever curses her will be cursed, which comes from God's promise to Abraham that in him all the world will be blessed. That refers to the Messiah Jesus of course, in Whom all the world truly will be blessed and already are. The state of Israel is nevertheless the central emblem of God's working in this world, and the last days will revolve around God's dealings with them.


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