Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Building a Refuge From the Great Reset / Great Tribulation Antichrist System

Fighting this beast that is politically transforming the world may well be impossible. Think about all the resistance to it which is so hopeful, but how half the population is kept from knowing about it. How to get the information through that barricade is something I ponder quite a bit. The wall of censorship is awfully effective. Personal conversation seems like it might be the way to go but then you find how effective the propaganda has been and how closed to all new information the people you want to reach are. If they don't go out of their way to hear the other side, the conservative news sources, the conservative talk shows, and do it regularly, not just once in a while, they aren't going to change their minds. The information war is the big barrier. It's what has to be broken and so far I don't see a way to do that. What that means is that half the country (in the US, and I don't know how many throughout the world) believes the lies that are fed through the leftist media every day.

People still believe lies about Trump that have been debunked over and over again. They believe lies about COVID and how to treat it. The propaganda is thick and incessant these dAYS. AThe dissenting voices get heard from time to time but only wrapped in a blanket of lies that demonize them. Even though we had this amazing experience of a just verdict in the case of Kyle Rittenhouse, there are still those who call him a murderer, vigilante, white supremancist and heap him with the same lies his acquittal should have brought to an end. TBut the evidence was there from the beginning and they didn't accept it so why shoujld they accept the acquittal?

The division is stark. Those who think we should just try harder to treat each other fairly, listen empathically and so on, are somehow not seeing this iron wall that has been so effectively errected. The only way to listen empathically to people who are believing lies is to try to disabuse them of the lies, but they've heard them so frequently the time and patience it would take to overcome them is beyond possible. God could intervene of course. We can always pray. But if He doesn't provide a way it's not going to happen and so far He seems to want to leave things as they are. That's my dreary conclusion.

So although I'm all for fighting this beast that is threatening to devour the world,I don't see much hope of prevailing except in isolated local skirmishes.

Is all this just a way of justifying the flight out of the most threatened countries? Well, yeah, that's the context I'm writing in at the moment. I won't be fleeing, I'm not up to it, but I support those who are fleeing. Can the Great Reset be avoided? Some think so. That's what the video is about. What if the Great Reseat is the Antichrist Kingdom of the Last Days, or the Great Tribulation? Well, some are going to have to be able to avoid the worst of it or nobody would come out from it alive and we know from scripture that many will.

Anyway, here are two videos about those who are fleeing to Mexico, forming communities to weather the coming storm. The second video is about one particular community, which is just now getting underway. It's a very attractive vision IMO.

Why Mexico is a good place for weathering the Great Reset:

And here's an interview with a couple who are putting together one of the communities for that purpose:

By the way, some of these people identify as Christians. If they are born again Christians and the Great Reseat is really the Great Tribulation, then according to the popular end times prophetic system they will not be here during the Tribulation. Those who need a refuge are those who are not yet saved but will be saved during the Tribulation period.

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