Thursday, October 7, 2021

Lots n Lots of Lies about Ivermectin, Guess a Lot of Peole Believe Them.

I'm sure there are better places to look to find the truth than You Tube but that's where I looked and the lies are scary. I searched on Oklahoma hospitals deny being overrun with Ivermectin overdose patients and got not one single hit on that topic, instead a long list of assertions that they ARE overrun with Ivermectin patients. A doctor saying so shows up everywhere I look. Gosh he's credible. The hosptials are jammed with such cases, ev4en to the point of making gunshot wound patients wait.

Stores are empty of Ivermectin, they say, and show an empty shelf. The weirdest thing about that bit of claim is that nobody who wants it has been able to find it for months, it has to be prescribed, you don't get it off store shelves, and it's just about impossible to find a doctor who will prescribe it or a pharmacy that will fill it if it should manage to get prescribed.

Yes, SOME are taking the vetereinary version, which since it is the same chemical should be fine if you use the right dosage, and the idea that enough people to jam hospitals are usinjg the wrong dosage when there's plenty of information out there about how to calculate it correctly related to your body weight is absurd. Not that many people are that stupid, sorry.

Much of what I know about people using Ivermectin I know second and third hand, from people who are in discussion groups about these things, where they report on dosages, where to get swhat kind, experiences with it and so on. These discussion groups have formed on many of the social media platforms, often growing to thousands of participants discussing their bad e3xperiences with the vaccines for starters, and then these alternative medications and so on. They share links to expert testimony on all these subjects. this is America at its best in my opinon, Americans helping Americans, weighing information and so on, but of course the Powers aren't going to let this go on very long. All these threads eventually get pulled down by Marxist Big Brother who doesn't want the truth to ge out, leaving us wondering why. Greed? Power grab? Global power grab, ignorant but Just Following Orders? And of course we wonder Whose orders. All of the above?

But beyond that I've heard the doctors who know it works because they've used it on many patients, some I mentioned in the previous post. The same doctors also raise 1questions about the vaccines, which aren't really vaccines but untested genetically based drugs that were rushed into use by Emergency Use Authoritzation which was not needed because the therapeutic antivirals such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and others wwould have dealt with COVID juswt fine without them.

I also heard Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying on their Dark Horse Podcast a few months ago talking about how they decided not to get vaccinated and use Ivermectin as a preventative instead. They made their decision based on reading the scientific/medical literature on the subhect. They are professors of bioloby who know how to do that sort of research. Bret also did a couple of pocasts where he interviewed doctors on the subject, Dr. Pierre Kory for one, who is a member of FLCCC which is headed by Dr. Malik, and Robert Malone and steven Kirsch. All eminently qualified to discuss the subject.

Guess there's always someone willing to be a mouthpiece for the Evil Powers, like that one doctor who contradicts all the doctors I've heard. Are we talking about the World Economic Forum's Great Reset? That's Klaus Schwab, Prince Charles, Bill Gates, Anotheony Fauci and others I forget. Pope Francis? They want a global government where nobody owns anything and supposedly loves it. Worldwide Shangri-La, a lovely Marxist Utopia which can't possibly work and will create nothing but murder and death from every kind of evil. Maybe that's what they REALLY want? I don't know but it's what they're going to get. Oh they DO definitely want a drastic decrease in the world population. Guess they'll get that. Maybe the pandemic is the first stage of that agenda?

And why hasn't there been a huge uprising of those who hate all this? I wonder that too. Zelenko in that interview I posted recently said toward the end of it that in Australia where they are openly enacting the globalist agenda against their citizens, that the protests there even include "truckies" or truck drivers, running over the "brownshirts" -- well, they took their guns away from them a few years ago so I guess they use what weapobns they have. This IS war.

I try not to worry because the Lord tells us to be anxious for nothing and take everything to him in prayer, but the thought of beig hauled off to a "quarantine" camp I have to admit does worry me. I couldn't survive it for a day, Don't worry, I'm sure with prayer I could adapt even to that (and if I die I die it's up to God) but for now I'm adapted to my current routines which revolve around what you might call "special needs" I've acquired in recent years. None of that will be provided for me at a quarantine camp I'm sure and I couldn't survive the normal provisions at all-- unless God somehow makes it possible. So I worry and try not to. Since I use a walker I'm not going to go out in the streets and protest either, and since I can't see well enough to drive any more I won't be running over any brownshirts in my truck or shooting anybody either if it comes to that kind of warfare. I don't think I could run over anyone or shoot anyone anyway.

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