Thursday, October 7, 2021

heavy Propaganda Against Ivermectin

Over the last year and a half I've heard many medical experts making the case for the thereaptueic antiviral drugs, starting with Hydroxychloroquine, now focused mostly on Ivermectin. They describe their use with thousands of patients with huge success at both prevention and cure of COVID 19. These drugs are so effective it is reasonable to claim that if they had been used consistently as they should have been, some 85% of those who have died of the virus could have been saved. Dr. Zelenko in particular makes this claim, He was one of the very first to use HCQ with his population of patients with great successand he developed a protocol for its use.

But all it takes is an aggressive orchestrated propaganda campaign to turn the public against this information and not only rationalize the deaths but promote them in what Zelenko calls genocide. I just watched Rachel Maddow's contribution to the genoicide as she covers many "news" items reporting many cases of Ivermectin misuse causing sickensss and even death. Reports from newspapers in various states, poison control centers and the like.

It's all about Ivermentin as a "horse dewormer" with a brief reference to its human uses and a repeated refrain that it doesn't prevent or cure COVID. Since I know it does from all the medical sources I've heard I have to wonder where this proppaganda is coming from, if it's entirely made up lies or the inflation of a single case somewhere or what. This would take research beyond my abilities but surely others are on the case. Meanwhile, of course, those who know only what they hear from the liberal news sources will never hear the other side of the story. those who are better informed will be distrusted or never heard at all, and besides will probably be tucked away in Quarantine campes before long.

I know this is all propaganda because I've heard so many highly reputable doctors talking about the effeciveness of Ivermectin for preventing and treating COVID. Of course those professionals are not consulted in Maddow's report, perhaps she hasn't even heard of them, although you would think anyone really wanting to understand why anyone would prescribe the drug for COVID would want to hear that side of it. This is a propaganda campaign against Ivermectin just as there was such a campaign against Hydroxychloroquine last year that was completely successful at suppressing its use against COVID. The most amazing thing in Maddow's report is the claim that tends of thousands of prescriptions for Ivermectin have been written, although it's very hard to find anyone who will write such a prescription and hard to find a pharmacy that will fill it thanks to the official denunciations of it. There are sources but you have to go out of your way to find them. I guess it's possible they might be responsible for that many prescriptions, it just sounds high to me, and Maddow makes it sound as if these prescriptikons have many sources, which I doubt given the propaganda. You can get the veterinary version of Ivermectin fairly easily but you have to jump through hoops to get the human version of it, or to get Hydroxychloroquine, although both were easily available before COVID because of their many benefits for various diseases.

I suspect an elaborate disinformation campaign through all those newspapers Maddow cited, all carrying essentially the same story about people getting sick from misusing Ivermectin and ending up in the hosptial, Poison Control centers getting a great upsurge in calls about the drug. I can imagine a few people being stupid enough to overdose on it but the sources that are promoting it are careful to discuss appropriate doses. Even the veterinary version can be used if you get the dosage right. I would not expect a huge upsurge in overdose cases and I suspect a disinformation campaign. the same story appearing at the same time in so many newspapers is already suspicious. Poison Control centers and hospitals in so many different locations all of a sudden having this upsurge? Really? Someobody somewhere wrote the equivalent of a Press Release, perhaps a fringety News Sewrvice, and sent it around to all these papers. Perhaps all the papers are owned by the same people too.

I'm not up to the research to prove it unfortunately. But I trust the medical sources I've heard about the great effectiveness of Ivermectin as well as Hydroxychloroquine if used properly, so what we have here is the same kind of attack on a cure for COVID that we saw last year against HCQ. The social media shut up the doctors who spoke for HCQ and they've been shutting up those who speak for Ivermectin. This newspaper blitz is just another form of the same murderous policy of silencing the truth.

Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Steve Kirsch, are names that come to mind as highly qualified medical doctors who promote Ivermectin. There are many others. Last year for HCQ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Dr. Simone gold and Dr. Daniel Wolhgelernter, an ER doctor and a cardiologist, did a video about their personal use of HCQ in curing COVID and that video was taken down from You Tube. I'd posted it here. It's now "unavailabl3e." Another strong voice for HCQ was Dr. Harvey Risch, head of the Yale University Deparatment of Public Health. And there are others on that subject too. These are all highly trustworthy sources. Rachel Madow is not, she's merely trusting in a bunch of newspaper stories that are no doubt faked. Oh and by the way apparently Maddow reported on a hospital in Oklahoma overrun with Ivermectin overdose patients. The hsopital responded with a letter denyinbg it completely but Maddow never corrected the story. I haven't been able to find her report on that and I'm not up to the rest of the research right now but that's enough information to do your own research if you want.
And the Evil Machine keeps rolling along.

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