Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Signs of the Times

Jan Markell does a great job in this presentation where she lays out ten signs that the Lord's coming is right around the corner, and therefore the Rapture according to the Pre-Tribulation eschatology. Yes I still have a problem with the idea that there could be a group of Christians who leave in the Rapture and another group of believers in Christ who are not considered to be Christians who come to faith during the ensuing Tribulation period, but I perfer for now to accept the Pre-Trib system anyway. Certainly I want it tto be true, I wont to leave this benighted world. And the way things are stacking up in my life I'm readier than ever too.

People are leaving the country, literally leaving America, seeking refuge from the extreme craziness here. I'm going to prepare to leave it as well, but I'm hoping it will mean the country I'm leaving is Planet Earth. One of my grandsons not long ago had a nightmare in which his family of four was taking a trip and their car got caught up in a tornado. I believe God gives some of us prophetic dreams and other prophetic signs that apply to our own situations, nand that nightmare feels like that kind of prophetic message to , the kind of thing my grandson will look back on later and see that Gode was with them even during a very disruptive time. . The Lord gave me a couple of those when I was a child. In one I was entering the door to a dark tunnel with a lion at my side, and I was wearing a miner's light strapped to my forehead. The symbolism is pretty clear but I didn't understand it until much later when I was finally a believer. In the other, which i had when I was yhounger, an angel had hold of my arm and was about to escort me up to heaven.

Both those dream-- the second was more like a vision -- occurred when I was a child and not yet a true believer. So I hope for my unbelieving family that the tornado will carry them to a new life in Christ. We're pretty clearly living in evil times that are moving so fast and disrupting our lives in sudden ways I think the image of a tornado is very fitting.

Anyway here's Jan's talk on The Convergence.

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