Monday, September 20, 2021

Eegad, They Actually Think This Fallen World is the Way It was Meant to Be?

Oh poor poor fallen humanity. They don't have a clue. There can't be an all-powerful loving God according to them because of... a whole list of things that are wrong with this world. The Problem of Evil for instance. How can there be such misery and suffering, and such evil people in a world made by a loving God? The latest I've heard is how there can't be a loving God because He wouldn't have made things so that it would be hard to keep track of time and the seasons and so on. You know, He made the Solar System wrong.

Well, I must admit I don't know how God originally made the Solar System but I do know that everything in our universe now is not as God originally made it. Even wwe Christians, who are the only ones who could have any grasp of these things at all, don't fully appreciate how the Fall affected the world, and in fact the entire universe. We can be sure that NOTHING is as it was originally created, although we are not in a position to understand just exactly how things are different.

The effect of just one little sin in a perfect universe made by a perfect God is really beyond calculating, but we trivialize it. Sin is the opposition of God, the God who made everything and runs everthing according to His own perfect nature. He can't run it any other way. Everything He does is absolute perfection, exact and precise perfection. One little sin is like tossing a galaxy-sized wrench into a perfectly functioning mechanism. Or something like that.

Of course Satan beat us to it, but he cdouldn't wait to subvert us too. Such ninnies we are, he succeeded only too well.

As we know from the Bible God created us after He created the phyhsical universe and the planet He placed us on. None of that existed before. Angels aren't physical although they have the ability to manifest in physical form. And that includes the fallen angels who have Satan as their leader.

But I digress. The point is that however the Solar Sytem was originally created, it's different now. And it may be different in exactly the way I've heard it complained about. That is, it may once have funcdtioned as a perfect clock, but the Fall damaged it so that it lost its original precision and perfection. The orbits of the planets changed. There is certainly evidence of catastrophe of some sort in all those craters we see on the Moon, all the debris of destroyed objects that also travel in orbit, the comets and meteors that still collide with other bodies and so on.

Poor fallen humanity thinks all that is normal. Same as they think disease and death are normal. Well, what else can the poor dears do but take it all as they find it and make that assumption since they deny God's atttempts to disabuse them of such ideas. Golly gosh He gave us a written document intended to guide us through this fallen universe but we know better than God of course.

I don't know if there's any way sciencew could figure out the history of the Fall but I know they aren't interested in trying. What you see is what you get and all contrary ideas are to them ancient flapdoodle. Oh maybe evolutionarily adaptive in their time and cultural context... Sigh.

Science finally accepted the Wegener observation that the continents must once have been joined together. If they can figure that out maybe they coudl figure out the Fall. Naaa. They can't even figure out the Flood although the evidence is everywhere on this Earth. Well, see, they got this false idea going strong and teach it to everybody so there's no way to object to it without getting yourself dismissed as a crank, but once you've got the Theory of Evolution you need Time, lots and lots of Time, so of coruse the next thing was to find all that Time they need, and they found it in the decay rates of the elements in rocks. Of course nobody can ever find out if the theory holds up because there's no way to go back and find out, but oh well, it works fine on paper and it doesn't need God so we're happy.

Wegener's hypothesis was well evidenced by the match between the fossils on both sides of the Atlantic. Very good evidence indeed to add to the visible match of the shapes of the continents. .But they took their notions of enormous lenths of time, which they'd needed to justify their Theory of Evolution and do away with God, and made the drifting apart of the continents into this long drawn out affair, when in fact it so nicely fits the Flood timing. Yep.

The Flood gives a good reason for the splitting of the continents. Such a planet-wide upheaval would have had all kinds of catastrophic effects. The Bible barely hints at them in giving a few facts about the nature of the pre-Flood world that no longer exist. The earth was watered by mists that came up from the ground, not by rain. Rain apparently occurred for the very first time with the forty days and nights of the worldwide cloudburst that covered the planet in water. Along with the opening of the "fountains of the deep." None of this is easy to understand from our position but if you know that the Bible is God's word you know it describes something that really happened. And we can surmise a few things maybe. Such as that if it rained continuously for forty days and nights there must have been a very thick covering of water-saturated structure of some sort over the earth that was the source of it all.

And when it was finally spent we can surmise that the Earth was exposed to outer space in a way that it had never been before having had an atmopheric cover or "canopy" as the creatinoists refer to it. And why is that important? Because it answers those who say that the Flood and the splitting of the continents at the rate that had to occur if the Flood was the cause of it, would have generated so much heat it would have fried the planet to a cinder, so forget any such fables as eight people surviving in a wooden ark floating on the Flood waters.

But with the canopy of moisture gone the heat could have escaped readily into space, not being held down by those "greenhouse gases" any more. In fct so much heat would have so rapidly evacuated into space it would have brought on the ice age we also know existed and which is only now retreatd to the point that we may have a "global warming" problem. One ice age is quite enough to account for all the phenomena it needs to account for, one ice age with lesser retreats and returns over the centuries, and the markers of the movements of glaciers are detectable in many places. We don't need many ice ages. Only the Ancient Earth hypothesis needs them. But the Biblical timing will suffice.

The catastrophes associated with the Flood on Earth appear to extend to the Solar System, perhaps the entire universe. Meteor strikes for instance. Naa, the meteor Chicxylub didn't kill the dinosaurs, the flood killed the dinosaurs. Haven't you seen those dinosaur beds where they are all tumbled together where they were thrown by the water. Great jumbles of bones. Chicxylub put out a layer of iridium though, that got itself dispersed at the top of the layer of sediment called the Cretaceous Period. It's just one of the layers the Flood deposited over the Earth, it's not a Time Period, but of coruse that's what they call it. So since it is found at the surface of those rocks it is interpreted as being the cause of the mass death of the dinosaurs whose fossils are found in those rocks. Actually all it mans is that this meteor hit during the Flood at the time that layer of sesdiment was being deposited. And a meteor hitting during the Flood fits with the whole catastrophic picture of the Flood with the opening of the atmosphere and the shaking of all the planets out of their orbits and the splitting of the continents and so on and so forth.

God's Judgment on the Earth. It wasn't just the Original Sin of the Fall by that time, but the accumulating of much sin by the human family with the help of coruse of Satan and his angels who turned themselves into "gods" over various people groups. Anyway there's lots of evidence for the Flood. The strata we seen in the Grand Canyon are the most remarakbly preserved example of that kind of evidnece. Elsewhere the strata are twisted and broekn and fallen down, much of the upper layers washed away completely, but there is evidence of this layering worldwide. The upheaval of the splitting of the s continents accounts well for the distortions of the strata, as well as for the mountainbuilding and the volcanism, all of which are the cause of earthquakes. Sorry, the Old Earth explanation for the strata is ludicrous. Do I have to review it again?

I know they are so smitten with their Evolution and their Cosmos is All There Is Or Ever Was Or Ever Will Be mindset everything I'm saying falls on deaf ears. There's another Judgment of God coming though and a lot of us think it's coming very soon. "The Fire Next Time" in the title of a popular book written a few decades ago. Water the first time, fire the last. Just before Jesus returns. That will wake up some people. It would be nice if they'd wake u before it happens though since that's the hard way to do it.

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