Saturday, August 21, 2021

The Great Spook Act Being Lined Up for the Grand Finale

Lately I've been listening to more of the "Coast-to-Coast" late night Spook Fest, not a lot just a little more than usual. UFOs are still the biggest topic it seems, but they've had protgrams on witchcraft, the "Good" kind of course, psychic powers, "remote viewing" etc. I'm just fascinated with how seriously they take all this stuff, study it, have theories about it and so on, because of course I judge it all by the Bible which pretty drastically simplifies the possibilities.

Many of them claim to believe in God but judging from their opinions about these paranormal and supernatural phenomena it isn't the God of the Bible they believe in. Demons or Fallen Angels account for most of the spooky stuff, UFOs, ghosts, apparitions, etc etc. They can manifest physially under some circumstances and apparently have power over physical phenomena to some extent since they produce the "craft" that make people wonder who is so technologically ahead of us.

Demons are the main actors, but the Bible also mentions the hybrid angel-human "Nephilim" in Genesis 6 which is also mentioned in the New Testament. I don't know of they have anything to do with the phenomena discussed on the radio show but demons must account for most of it. Then there is what Watchman Nee talks about in his book "Soul Power" which may account for the paranormal powers such as psychic ability and remote viewing and that sort of thing. He explained it as the remanants of powers originally possessed by Adam and Eve which were mostly lost at the Fall but remain in some people in distorted form. They are also manipulable by demons so altogether they aren't to be trusted. But those on the radio show don't know anyh of that and treat them as legitimate.

George Noory, who is the host of the show, claims to believe in Gode but also thinks UFOs are extraterrestrials who are the real creators of human beings. (Violent eyeroll).

If the world is about to go into the final seven-year Judgment of God all this would easily contribute to the Great Delusion coming on humanity. As many have suggetsed, UFOs would make a handy explanation for the Rapture, since few would be disposed to accept the real explanation, which is that Jesus took His true Christians off the planet so that we would not have to suffer God's wrath with the rest of hu;manity. Cuz of course they aren't expecting wrath, they are expecting a nice humanistic solution to all the world's problemsw, would probably think UFOs hold friend ETs who just want to help us out and so on. Witchcraft of courswe isn't the evil consorting with demons, it's just a nicey nice power for the good of all. And so on and so forth.

Surely some will wake up to the truth. Try to tell them about it now, no, but maybe when things start to look like something other than they were expecting.... Well, many have tried. I've tried.

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