Wednesday, August 18, 2021

As for the Afghanistan Debacle...

UPDATE: I shouldn't short-shrift this topic as I did, but I'm not up to commenting on it except to say that what Biden did is unspeakably evil, on top of all the other evil things he's done. I smell the sulfur of the pits of Hell. All I can do is pray that God will have mercy. ================================================

I've begun to wonder if perhaps the Premill scneario is more wrong than I've been considering it might be, that we are already into the seven years of the tribulation period. This is a fallen world, yes, and Satan is the prince of this world, but I still didn't expect such blatant evil to manifest as it has been doing, I expect it to come in the tribulation and the Day of the LORD. I suppose I'm wrong, and unfortunately it really could gt worse, hard though that is to imagine. Concentration camps for conservatives and Christians and the unvaccinat4ed and and and... But God is still in charge. Pray pray pray pray...
... what I'd like to see is a few hundred Democrat politicians thrown out of office. Or better, tarred and feathered and sent south from our southern border accompanied by the illegal aliens th4ey illegally and dangerously brought into the country.

On a more humane note perhaps, if they really care about the people of Latin America they should move there and teach them the principles that made America prosperous. Sadly I don't suppose any of them have any idea about that, they'll just join in the ideological destruction. Yeah I know I switched horses in midstream, more than once too, but oh well.

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