Thursday, June 10, 2021

The COVID Crimes: Why Aren't They Being Prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity?

The suppressors of effective treatments for COVID such as the antivirals HCQ and Ivermectin that could have saved as many as 85% of those who have died..

The Emergency Use Authorizers of untested "vaccines" when effective treatments were available.

Those who covered up the source of the virus in a Chinese lab and vilified those who called it out.

Those who keep pushing these untested "vaccines" despite their extraordinarily high rate of lethality and injury which would ordinarily demand their recall from public use.

Those who pushed for the economically destructive lockdown that was unnecessary when all that was needed was protection of the vulnerable ones, the elderly and those with co--morbidities.

> Those who push for the "vaccination" of children and young healthy people who do not get seriously ill from the virus, especially when one of the possible side effects of these new drugs may be interference with fertility.

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