Sunday, June 13, 2021

More Revelations and Protests Against Critical Race Theory

There are now quite a few incidents of parents protesting CRT before their local school board which can be found at You Tube. This one is a Chinse woman at her school board protesting that CRT is the American version of the nightmare she lived through in Mao's China: She is seen talking to the school board and being interviewed by Sean Hannity:

James Lindsay is a scholar of the history of CRT who can be found in many interviews at You Tube. Here he is interviewed by Allie Beth Stuckey:

That one is veru long but this is a much shorter interview by Charlie Kirk:

And here's James Lindsay interviewed by.Benjamin Boyce gets into more than usual detail about the source of the craziness in Herbert Marcuse, Foucault and postmodernism, the Frankfurt School (I'm glad to sere the Franfurt School now identified in this discussion as the pernicious influence it was. I posted on it a number of times as the source of Political Correctness, which was sort of the spearhead of the intimidation tactics that we're seeing now in the aggressive Cancel Culture, that show its origin in Communism. Apparently it took the turn into Anti-Racism to broaden the discussion of Communism as the source of Leftist politics over the last few decades. We've gone pretty rapidly from BLM and Antifa to Wokeness, Anti-Racism and Critical Race Theory indoctrination in the schools.)

The Frankfurt School was the hub from which the different expressions of today's leftism spread out, mostly through the universities where sixties radicals became professors and indoctrinated whole generations in their Anti-American ideology. But it goes back to American Commuism in the early twentieth century and even further back to Marx. I always thought of postmodernism as somehow allied with it but Lindsay describes them as separate movements that now work together.

Marxism creates class conflict under the guise of analyzing it. It makes up an oppressed class and pits an oppressor class aainst it. The classical form of it was bourgeoisie against proletariat or business against working class. In the American context it's invented a number of oppressed classes, Radical Feminism for instance for women, The Women's Liberation Movement, then we got Gay Rights and now all of a sudden its Transgender Rights, which even trash Women's Rights as biolgoical males are allowed to compete against biological women in sports through the insanity of calling themselves female. But the big one is Racism. Now the white race is the Oppressor CVlass and everything associated with the Whtie Race is targeted for destructionj. They always targeted Western Civilization anyway but now it's beause supposedly it's nothing but an expression of Whiteness. Wouldn't you expect some natural corrective to such murderous insanity to keep it in check? Not a reasonable expectatrion in today's world.

Conservatism was Herbert Marcuse's target, and the Frankfurt School's in general. They were paranoid about Nazism and projected their fear onto benign western conservativms. Thus conservatives became fascists, now white supremacists etc etc etc. It's all definitional, all word magic, all emanating from the ideology. Very little in Marxism has anything to do with the real world, it's all abstract mental conjuring, all "theory," no actual lived fact; all they want is an Oppressor and the fact that they made it all up doesn't matter. It certainly wields power in the real sworld although it's based on a lie. There are now people saying they want to kill white people. They make use of a completely irrational illogical diaboligical "reasoning" to make it impossible for anyone to show them wrong. As Lindsay says in one of the interviews above, the first one I think, there is a formula for genoicide in this thinking. As in Rwanda the propaganda against the Tutsis called them "cockroaches" over and over and over until the Hutus thought it the height of righteousness to slaughter them all. The power of lies.

UPDATE: Might as well add Jan Markell's most recent Understanding the Times radio show I just heard, since it's on the same topic:

She starts off with some clips of leftists talking about how they have the job of deprogramming 75 million "Trumpists." The arrogance is breathtaking. Absolutely not one shred of a thought that their judgment could be wrong, or at least that we have the right to our own opinion. They could have used the more orthodox Communist term "reeducate" -- it's the same idea.

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