Monday, April 26, 2021

Living in Interesting Sinister. Times

Why are so many people dying in India? Are they dying of COVID? How many have been vaccinated? Will we ever know any of this?

There's some pretty scary stuff about the vaccines online as explained by highly reputable medical people, the sort of stuff that gets censored as "misinformation" these days so it can be hard to find. Maybe I'll post some eventually. For the moment I'm just upset about it and want to vent.

So Trump's "warp speed" operation got out the vaccines in record time but there are lots of reasons why that was not a good thing.

1. First, we never needed a vaccine for COVID. The recovery rate is extremely high and it should never have been called a pandemic. Young people in particular and healthy people in general get mild versions of the disease and recover fully. There was never any need for a full-scale lockdown or this universal emphasis on wearing masks. We've lived with the flu for a long time without any such precaustions and this is no worse than the flu except for those in vulernable groups, the elderly and those with chronic diseases. They should have been protected, the rest no. (A side question I have is when did the flu become the scary and even lethal disease it is now considered to be? I remember when we thought of it as something like a bad cpld with aches and pains that nobody worried much about. Of course there was the Spanish Flu but the flus that came around every year were no big deal. When did they become a big deal? When did it become this big deal to get immunized against it? All of us? Maybe the sick and elderly but all of us? And now we're hearing that some people have bad reactions to the flu shot. I'll never know for sure the cause of death for three people who died very suddenly last Fall around the time people get the flu shot. A young woman who died just before her 49th birthday, sudden inexplicable cardiac arrest; an internet friend of mine about my age who died suddenly a couple days after his last email to me. I haven't been able to find out anything about how he died. Third, I heard about the son of a well known Christian blogger who collapsed and died while playing games with friends. He was 21. All these deaths occurred last Octover or thereabouts. Sudden, inexplicable. Did they all recently have the flu shot perchance? I don't know but I know there are people who attribute similar deaths to that cause.).

2. Second we have no need for a vaccine because We've had good treatments from the beginning for those in the vulernable groups. The others don't need treatment but the vulnerable ones do and if they get it early they avoid getting seriously sick and they recover fully. And we have more of them now, treatments that prevent it from worsending past the first few days of infection. Yes, such as hydroxychloroquine, yes indeed. And it's still up there on the list of treatments of choice. Ivermectin is now higher on the list. Both knock out the virus in the first week and both are old drugs that have been used for decades and are known to be safe. There is also quercetin plus zinc which also works in the early days. But there are others and I don't know what they all are, I can find discussions that name them though, which I may do, and there are also many treatments that cure the virus in the later stages too. Regeneron is one, although it is hard to get for the average person. (A side question I have on this one is why Trump stopped talking about HCQ)

3. Funny how the deaths from flu just dropped off the chartst while the COVID deaths were presumably increasing by leaps and bounds. Including people who died in autobmobile accidents that were nevertheless listed as dying of COVID because they tested positive, or just because.

4. The vaccines are not really vaccines, they were never fully tested, some people are reporting serious side effects and some have died "coincidentally" soon after getting the shot, either one or both shots. And since they are genetic material that replicates in the body they can go on to produce unkown problems. For this I do need to find the interviews of doctors who talk about the science involved.

5. Why is this kind of information being censored? Even if it has flaws isn't that how science is supposed to operate, by comparing data and working out the flaws? There is something truly sinister about this silencing of medical experts. It's bad enough that they are censoring anything that contradicts the Woke narrative that could possibly stop the rioting by showing that systemic racism is not real. What rioting, you ask? Hm. Oh and we aren't allowed to notice all the evidence of voter fraud either. What sort of world is this becoming? Already is

By the way there is some reason to believe, at least some medical experts are speculating that it might be so, that the various drugs for treating COVID, such as HCQ and Ivermectin and Quercetin and Zinc, plus vitamins D and C and anything else that boosts the imjune system, may be able to counter the negative side effects of the vaccines. In case you're worried about it.

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