Tuesday, April 27, 2021

America's Christian History and How We May Yet Be Able to Save Her

Recent Noise of Thunder radio show:

Jesuit Communism and the Coming Inquisition


Chris reports that a friend of his ministry pointed out the Jesuit connection with Communism in the dunce cap put on the heads of the politically incorrect in Mao's China, same as was done to the "heretics" by the Spanish Inquisition, as they accused them of misdeeds and thought crimes against the regime, as against Catholicism in the Inquisition. I didn't know that history of the dunce cap, certainly a telling connection there between Communism and the Inquisition of the RCC.

He then goes on to the connection with what's happening in America today as racism is used as the accusation du jour against those who object to the current Marxist takeover attempt which is really what the Woke movement, BLM and Antifa are all about. Shaming whites is the tactic in this case as supposed racists and white supremacists, requiring humiliating apologies despite the falseness of the accusation. Guess they'll be slapping dunce caps on our heads eventually, before beheading us if we refuse to recant our political incorrectness or heresy.

He concludes with his usual call to Christians to pray for God's wisdom and guidance to prevent this Marxist takeover and restore America to our Christian origins. I'm taking him up on this. I'm even going to try to fast although that has been beyond me for many years now. Surely I can find some form of fasting I'm capable of. Burt prayer in any case, a lot of prayer.

And I'm strongly motivated toward this by his latest film, "The True Christian HIstory of America" in which he shows the long history of Christian influences from the Magna Carta on that make the foundation of our American institutions. He's found quite an impressive collection of documents and quotations that make it very very clear just how foundational biblical (Protestant) Christianity was to the whole concept of our Constitutional Republic. The loss of all that is terribly sad but at least he did such a good job of making the case it gave me a very clear focus for my prayers.

I think this film could, even should, be used as inspiration for deeper studies of the men and events of this history. I'm hoping to get my greatnephew interested, who has a great love of learning somehow built into his DNA despite his lack of formal educqation (it's beem pffered to him but so far rejected). I would like this film to set a fire under him as well as a whole army of young people like him. we need to relearn what our country is all about, we can't do much to defend it if we don't understand what went into its making, and most Americans know very little about all that, and are now succumbing to Marxist and antiChristian revisionist versions of our history.

Anyway the film could be a launching pad for reclaiming the country and that's what I'm going to be praying about. I don't see any way to go about it, other than learning as much as we can of course, but God knows and has the power to bring it about and will certainly show us if we ask Him. Even in the teeth of all the antiChristians working against us. Actually some of them should join us eventually anyway, those who have the slightest inkling of what Communism is and the fact that this is indeed an attempt at a Communist revolution we have been witnessing for a while now. That's enough of a motivation to expect from some, but Christians can count on God when we put all our trust in His guidance.


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