Friday, March 5, 2021

The Poison Brew of the Nineteenth Century Is Choking Us in the 21st.

Many lines of evil are all coming together at once in this fallen world, lines of thought that started over a century ago all coming together to snare the unwary.   The Nineteenth Century brought us a veritable witches' brew of novel theories and ideologies designed to undermine all truth.  And fallen humanity eats it up.  


Such as the "scholarly" work of Textual Criticism that came out of the Tubingen School in  Germany. That one's huge.  It brought us the lies of Liberal Christianity.  And at the end of the century we got the lies of the promotion of two supposedly recently discovered Greek texts as older and more reliable that became the foundation of a whole slew of new Bibles that have been polluting the churches ever since.  Chris Pinto has a lot to say about it in his documentaries and radio shows.   Here's his most reent radio show on the subject:

 NOTR - BIBLE SKEPTICS & PROGRESSIVE CHRISTIAN HERESY - 3.4.21 - Noise of Thunder Radio Show - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto  

As is often the case some of the best Christian preachers and teachers have embraced this assault on the Bible as if it were respectable scholarship, and prying anyone loose from that perspective appears to be impossible, at least by human means.   I have a whole blog on the subject, "The Great Bible Hoax of 1881" where I try to collect the best arguments, but Chris Pinto goes into it all in far more historical detail.

So sad to see the proliferation of the modern Bible versions in all the churches, which have created a veritable babel in which simple communication is disrupted while despite all the testimony to the contrary by Christian believers the inerrancy of God's word is thrown into doubt.  Listen to this latest radio show by Pinto.  Westcott and Hort's totally made-up "theory" is destroying the biblical basis of Christian theology and faith.


Then there was Marx who provided the evil ideology that has enragptured so many people in the last few decades, an ideology specifically aimed at the destruction of America and Western Civilization, maybe most popularly in the form of Neo Marxism or Cultural Marxism.  I recently listened to Glenn Loury interviewing James Lindsay who touched on this as one source of Wokeism.  He gets into the subject of Cultural Marxism starting about 41:  

Wokeism's Postmodern Roots | Glenn Loury & James Lindsay - YouTube

The Anti-Racist stuff comes out of this, and Antifa too, and BLM.   It has made its way into the churches also, carried in by the Jesuit-originated (Luigi Tapparelli) Social Justice idea for instance.  And although there's no direct connection that's easy to find that I know of, I'm sure Feminism, which in its current form derives from Cultural Marxism, is the root of the abandonment of the women's head covering in the churches.   

Undo the undeserved reputation of the bogus Bibles, undo the effects of Social Jutice and Marxism, restore the head covering, and we, God's people, might be able to save the churches, save America, even the world.  I mean it, but then I'm just a cockeyed optimist.   


There was also of  course Darwin's influence and the growth of the bogus science he inspired that has a death grip on today's scientists.  Mostly it's window dresswing since they just CALL everything evolution whether it is or not.  When they are discussing current observations of biological facts, various adaptations of interesting creatures around the world perhaps, or even the variants of the corona virus, calling them "evolved," the term is being misused.  At least it is being aggresively appropriated to Darwinian theory which obscures the main point that the theory of evolution is fundamentally not about variants but the idea that over hundredws of millions of years Species eveolved from Species, human beings evolved from fish etc.  Through apes of course.  And so on and so forth. 

But each creature's genome is designed for variation on its own theme as it were.  You will never get anything but a cat from the cat genome, even when altered by mutations, but you can get a whole lot of very insteresting variations of cats.  I think this is intuitively obvious but I've also argued at length that the processes of evolution (variation) themselves reduce genetic diversity, potentially to complete depletion, which makes further evolution impossible.  

A Creationist Explanation of Global Warming

I posted a link to a talk on climate change in the previous post in which the speaker clearly accepts the idea of an ancient earth and the supposed Time Periods of modern geology that undergird evolutionary theory.   He refers for instance to the Cambrian rocks as supposedly demonstrating an atmosphere high in CO2 all those hundreds of millions of years ago.  He also refers to a plant enzyme he says can be traced back hundreds of millions of years.

I don't know if such notions affect the idea of climate change one way or another but of course I reject them as wrong because I accept the Young Earth of biblical calculations.  That means that the rocks in which the fossils are found were deposited by the worldwide Flood some 4300 years ago, which means that whatever evidence of climate might be found in the rocks would point to the climate before the Flood, not to some era hundreds of millions of years ago.    And if it does, that would be very interesting to know too, but mainstream science isn't going to be looking there.

He does mention that he thinks the current warming of the planet is most likely due to the receding of the Little Ice Age thta came to an end in the early 1800s.   I'd figured the whole warming trend goes back to the Flood itself, which would have brought on a major icea age that took millennia to retreat.  It could have extended and retreated in small increments over all that time too, but it makes sense that it all started with a massive cooling after the Flood.  One argument against such views that I have encountered is that the Flood would have generated a great deal of heat that would have fried Noah and his ark, and especially when I get into arguing that the Flood is what caused the splitting and driffing of the continents, which means they had to have drifted apart at a great rate of speed, at least a few feet per day at the begining..   The earth shoujld be a burnt-out cinder if all that happened.

Well later it occurred to me that the heat would have been rapidly evacuated into space, which would have brought on cooling, even a great ice age, even conceivably a "snowball earth"    I've never followed the arguments of the creationists who say that the biblical account puts a "canopy" over the whole planet, which is what rained down for those forty days and nights at the beginning of the Flood.   It would have been canopy of water vapor then, which is also part of the current ceiling of greenhouse tasses being talked about today as so dangerous.   The original canopy's  dissolution nto rain would have exposed more of the atmosphere of the Earth to cold outer space into which all the heat generated by whatever means, a lot of it in the form of evaporation, would have rapidly dissipated, having a drastic cooling effect.  Since science very credibly accounts for an ice age that penetrated very far south all over the world, this outward radiation of heat would explain it nicely.   Then afterward the "canopy" would have been somewhat restored over time from the accumulation of "greenyhouse gasses"  and water vapor as all forms of life expanaded and spread acrossw the world.   Say it took 4300 years and we're now at the end of the warming that caused the recession oI the ONE ice age.   Perhaps with smaller extensions and retreats but overall just one huge ice age. 

Time Periods in Rocks?

But I also keep coming back to the plain absurdity of the idea of the Time Periods which deludes both modern geology and modern biology    This is the absurdity of the idea that there was a Cambrian period of time that corresponds to a layer of sedimentary rock in which an enormous abundance of fossils are found that are interepreted as having lived during that Time Period.  Same idea for the whole stack of sedimentary rocks that climb in straight layers above it.  Why isn't the absurdity of time being divided into slabs of sedimentary rock recognized?   Why?  Different sedimentary rocks stacked one on top of the eother across most of the planet, each with its own set of fossils.   It's so OBVIOUSLY something that could only have happened on some mechanical or physical principle that makes absolutely no sense in terms of vast periods of time.    Oh but they'll defend it to the death while I hold my head in despair.  

Well, this post wandered a fair bit but I think the theme remains intact.  Our modern world is poisoned by a crazy proliferation of false ideas, some coming to fruition in some pretty scary politics.

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