Sunday, March 7, 2021

How to Save the World

 I know i'm a broken record to use a dated phrase, I just keep repeating myself.  Into the void too, nobody listening, but even if they were what good would it do?:   Is it too late?:  I think so but then again I get some hope from here and there that it may not be.   America is coming apart, Western Civilzation is being dismantled.  Can it be turned back?  Again I don't think so, judging by all the signs I can see, but again sometimes I hope.  I'm not sure why.  If we're at the very end anyway then the world does have to come apart, that's the prophesied scenario.  Better to get it all over with.  But so many people will be put through such incredible suffering, so many will die, who wants that?   And again, who's listening?  If you reject the Bible as so many do these days what good does it do to talk about 3what the Bible says is going to happen? 

All that's left is hoping it might be of some value WHILE it's all happening to know WHAT is happening.  I write quite a few posts with that in mind.  Family, friends who aren't going to listen now might listen then.  Hard way to do it but better to be beheaded for finally getting the truth than take the mark of the beast and spend an eternity in Hell.

And again there is a way to postpone the inevitable, a way to save America and Western Civilization, but it's not going to happen swo why bother to mention it?   The west abandoned God decades ago.  Our laws have increasingly actually directly embraced what God's Law prohibits.  No society can survive that for long.   Even Christians have had their minds so twisted they think evil is good and good is evil.  

Abortion for instance is aggressively defended as a good and to oppose it is evil, it's supposedly an attack on women, as if killing your baby is a benefit.  They have to deny it's a baby of course.  Or some do.  Some actually say they know it is but it doesn't matter, human lifre is so devalued in this wonderful utopia that is being constructed.

The death penalty even for murder is aggressively opposed as a great evil, even in God's name although scripture itself says it is the just penalty for taken a human life since humanity is made in the image of God. 

Larry Flint died recently and I've heard many people say how he championed a good cause in the name of freedom of speech and that it was truly justice that prevailed in allowing pornopraphy to pollute the culture in the name of that freedom.   That's not what the first amendment was ever for.  Today it's being denied where it should be applied and applied where it should be denied.   Upside down, good for evil and evil for good.

And you'll be denounced as a terrible person if you believe that homosexuality is a sin and gay marriage is a violation of God's Law.   You're a "bigot" and a "hater" for telling the simple truth.   Good for evil and evil for good.

Does anybody even know these days that for a man to dress as a woman or a woman as a man is forbidden in the Bible?  But the society has gone much further than that and is now demanding that we all treat a person according to what sex he or she WANTS to be although there is no way to change the biological facts.   There's some kind of obsession involved that drives such ideas and I don't know where to start to save people from it, but forcing all the rest of society to accept their fantasy is a great evil.

Now we have political leaders justifying stealing and destruction of property as supposedly justice because of past racism.  Racism is certainly a sin in God's eyes as all hatred without a cause is, but the remedy is as much or more of a violation of God's Law than the sin of racism.  The facts when actually recognized belie the whole idea of systemic racism but those facts are suppressed, a dangerous violation of the commandment against lying.  Lying is done every day by the sources of infomration, all in the service of promoting today's favored evil vision for society that they call good.  And nobody is thinking at all about how such violations of God's Law are bringing God's wrath down on the heads of those justifying them and on the society as a whole.  .

Just that short list covers all the Ten Commandments spelled out in the Bible.  Let's see we've got lots of violations of "Thou shalt not commit adultery" which embraces the sexual sins which are rampant in many forms these days.  And there are plenty of violations of "Thou shalt not commit murder" as  Jesus taught murder to include hatred in the heart.  I think many justifications of murder could be found today and all I mentioned was the opposition to the death penalty.   Of course the death penalty itself is called murder, just another case of evil for good, but to oppose it is actually to justify the murders for which it is justice according to God's Law.   Then we've got all this justifying of looting and burning supposedly int he name of justice, violating "Thou shalt not steal" and worse.  Violations of "Thou shalt not bear false witness" has become an everyday practice, and  of "Thou shalt not covet" would hardly be noticed.  

 All that barely begins to describe the enormity of the problem.   All our institutions are undermined by justified violations of God's Law.   How we maintain any social stability at all is the amazing thing.   There are plenty of voices on the right side of these things but the forces of evil have become so powerful it's hard to see how it could be undone.  It's gone on too long, it's become too entrenched.

"Judgment begins at the house of God" is still the place to start.   A radical reformation is needed, and it's needed in the "good" churches no less than the outright heretical and apostate.   Is anyone seeking God to find out where to start?   I could repeat some of my own suppositions but there's really no point.  If the churches got serious about it and prayed about it and sincerely wanted to know all the ways we Christians have offended God anybody's personal guesses aren't necessary.  He'd tell us where we've gone wrong.   

THAT's the solution, the beginning of the solution.  Is that going to happen?

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