Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Lies and Fascist Strongarm Tactics of the "Anti-Racist" Protests in America

UPDATE Feb 10  This video of the Evergreen College incident showed up at You Tube today:  \Campus Argument Goes Viral As Evergreen State Is Caught In Racial Turmoil (HBO) - YouTube
The scary thing is how people buy into an ideological dogma and completely leave all reason behind.  If you're white you have to see yourself as having White Privilege, or just being a racist no matter what you've ever thought or believed.  There's a "narrative" that must be followed no matter what the reality.  Bret Weinstein who was clearly no racist is now branded a racist and called a "piece of sh--" by these protestors altnough he's never been a racist.  A student of his is afraid to defend him because her point of view is forbidden.  All this is pure Marxism, totalitarianism.  They even actively denounce freedom of speech when it contradicts their ideology.   This is the kind of nonthinking craziness that now prevails in too much of the public mind on the subject of race.  It decrees "systemic racism" that no longer exists, it brands people "white supremacists" who are no such thing, and so on.

UPDATE Feb 3:  Reviewing some of the links in this post and they make me truly sick that anyone can get away with this stuff.  Fascism in the name of Anti-Fascism, Bigotry in the name of Anti-Bigotry, Racism in the name of Anti-Racism, this stuff is sick sick sick and how on earth did we let it get this far?

I've touched on some aspects of this situation from time to time, but in this post I want to try to be comprehensive.  Among the evils being perpetrated on the nation by the Left this is one of the biggest and most dangerous, and what makes it particuilarly dangerous is the refusal by the Left to recognize and deal with the lies and the violence they promote.   Among the lies are the fact that not only is BLM founded on false accounts of police incidents but it is not really about black lives at all but more about LGBT issues and is a self-identified Marxist group which is clear from their website.  I'm not specifially addreswsing Antifa in this post but they represent the warning given by Huey Long (about whom I know next to nothign besides this quote) that "If fascism comes to America it will come in the name of Anti-Fascism."   Long's phrase gets at it most precisely but Reagan said it would come in the form of Liberalism, which is another way of saying the same thing less pithily.  And here we are, and it is being aggressively promoted on the left and tacitly promoted through cowardice on the right.

Some months ago I discovered You Tube videos about an incident in 2017 in which a biology professor at Evergreen State College in the state of Washington was accused of racism and forced to leave the school. This was for refusing to honor an order by a radical campus group to stay away from campus for a day because he was white.  He objected, he said, as a liberal, to the racist meaning of such an order.  The group protested and eventually got him ousted from his position, so that he and his wife, also a biology professor at the school, left the college and moved to another state.  \

This is how I got to know about Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, whose weekly "Dark Horse Podcast" I often watch.    They are liberals, but not crazy liberals as I usually think of liberals, and it was by watching their podcast and Bret's interviews with others that I got to know of what I think of as the sane liberals I hadn't known existed.   I hasten to add, however, that although they are sane on some issues and up to a point, there is always that point where they go off into the crazy stuff.  In my opinion.  Nevertheless I've much appreciated their commentary on such events as the protests and riots in the city of Portland Oregon where they now live.   They are in a particularly good position to discuss those events because of their experience at Evergreen, which even at the time Weinstein recognized as a portent of just such events in the nation at large.

First here are some videos to give the Evergreen story itself.  There are many more at You Tube for anyone who wants to get into the details..
This one is a fairly brief description of what happened there by Bret and Heather:   

A year later Bret testified to Congress on the Evergreen events:

Here's a lengthy account of the events and politics of the Evergreen story:
PART ONE: Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying & the Evergreen Equity Council - YouTube    The "equity" statements read about five minutes in literally turn my stomach.  This is the lying foundation of the rewriting of American history and the violence it promotes.  The self-righteous sanctimonious framework for these lies is the most nauseating part of it.   (The same nauseating sanctinomy attended the impeachment of Trump by the way.   Such influential lies are horrific in themselves but the high-toned rhetoric makes them disgusting.)  You hear assertion after assertion after assertion that this supposed racism exists at Evergreen with not one shred of evidence that it does, which Weinstein and Heying do point out.   When we do have evidence concerning incidents considered to be racism, such as in the case of George Floyd, which I deal with below, the evidence shows the opposite:  there is NO systemic racism any more in America.   Oh racism there no doubt is in some individuals, but even that is rare, but racism that actually affects the lives of people NO.  For all this rhetoric to be coming up after the nation has so effectively done away with systemic racism is some kind of pernicious evil that can only exist because the objectives are something other than what they claim, such as a Marxist design on overthrowing the country.

Here's Part Two of this presentation:    

 And here's Part Three:  

I remember this kind of thetoric from the sixties and it was scary enough then.  Lies are scary.  Self=righteous violence-promoting lies are scariest.  Racism wasn't the only issue then, it was aimed against America in general and it was clearly a Marxist movement.  It's the essence of authoritarianism, totalitarianism, groupthink, enslaved minds, and sheer insanity, and whatever truth there ever was in any of it the rhetoric took it way beyond any such reality, and now we have nothing but this gigantic fantasy people have bought into, by which they intend to subdue and enslave the whole nation.  


As Weinstein predicted, theEvergreen protests spread to the rest of the country, already und3erway with the BLM protests such as at Ferguson Missouri, but then it all broke out over the death of George Floyd by arresting police.  In Portland, Oregon, now, Bret does podcasts with his wife Heather Heying on the rioting in downtown Portland, and does many interviews on the general subject of systemic racism and what the George Floyd incident really means.  Despite the constant drumbeat in the mainstream media that supports the BLM view of systemic racism as the cause of police brutality toward blacks, when the facts emerge it turns out that racism is not involved at all.  But you aren't going to find that out if you stick to the usual sources of information.

Bret Weinstein interviews seven black "public intellectuals" on the current racial situation:

Bret Weinstein interviews John McWhorter, one of those in the panel above, and brings out some of the facts that contradict the racism narrative.

Coleman Hughes, one of the members of the panel interviewed above, in a long monologue shows with documentary evidence that racism is not the reason for the George Floyde incident or any of the incidents BLM is based on, but that whites are treated in exactly the same way blacks are.

I believe all the above consider themselves to be liberals.  But I want also to include a conservative  -- or libertarian -- black on the subject.  Here is Larry Elder, conservative black talk show host on how the lies about police racism are getting people killed.

Some other black voices to hear on this subject are Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, and the late Walter Williams.    Because the black voices may be more convincing on this subject, but there are certainly plenty of white voices too.

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