Monday, February 1, 2021

Lies are Dangerous Weapons 2

Amazing what the leftists have been saying lately about their intentions of silencing conservatives on the excuse of the Capitol breakin.  They are the fascists, they are the insurrectionists, but it serves them to lay those titles on the 75 million of us who voted for Trump.   It's been clear for some time that they long ago abandoned any real adherence to the principles of the Constitution, they  want all the power in their own hands.  So much for "unity" -- their idea of unity is conforming to their political views, period.

It's amazing, as I said, what they are willing to say.  They want to throw conservatives out of office simply for supporting Trump, or for being conservatives.   Of course we are being silenced on social media.  The aim is complete marginalization.   Some are losing jobs already, losing insurance.  Yes, this in America.  I say America is dead, say it from time to time, but it still surprises and shocks me to see how real it is.     

All they have to do is believe their own lies about the right, call us white supremacists and fascists and so on, to justify whatever it takes to silence us.   Someone I know posted the quote by Sinclair Lewis on Facebook recently, how "if fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."   My answer is that if it comes to America it will come in the form of anti-fascism, and that is what is REALLY happening, but the smear tactic against the Right gives them the self-justification  for whatever measures they want to impose against us, all in the name of righteousness, utterlyh blinded to the truth.  

What they consider to be righteousness is the opposite.  As John MacArthjur recently preached, they are making laws to criminalize true righteousness.  They are the fascists but they are calling their opponents the fascists.  Lies are dangerous weapons, very effective.

Persecution is underway, it's not a matter of whether it will come or not, it's underway, they ARE silencing us and marginalizing us.  It's only going to get worse.   More pastors are starding to preach on it to prepare their congregations for it.    The latest "Understanding the Times" radio show addresses this:   The Approaching Darkness – Pastor Tom Hughes and Pastor Mark Henry - YouTube

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