Sunday, February 7, 2021



So let's start this one at thelobal level and maybe work down from there.   I've been getting most of my information about "The Great Reset" from Jan Markell's ministry, her Understanding the Times radio show, and I've posted links and information about it here and there over the last few months.   I just watched a brief interview with her on the subject here:  Unmasking the Great Reset - YouTube   It's a good summary of what it's all about, the plans of the World Economic Forum to create a global government that absorbs all national entities into itself and imnoses a radical socialist agenda on the entire world population.  Which we're supposedly going to love.  

The same players keep showing up in these global contexts.  Here we have George Soros, Bill Gates, Prince Charles and Anthony Fauci.  Interesting, huh?  It's headed by Karl Schwaub and I don't know anything about him but the others are certainly well known.   Jan says that their website is enormous and just chock full of amazing information about how they plan to rule the world.  

In my last post I highlighted Chris Pinto's latest radio show which is mostly about the meaning of Trump's loss of our recent election and the role of the Jesuits in national affairs.  He identifies Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates as Jesuit-inspired among dozens of others embedded in the government.  He's not talking about the Great Reset but there they are on the World Economic Forum.   Getting rid of Trump has global implications Jan Markell discusses, since he's a strong nationalist and global government has to do away with nations.  In that service we have the propaganda about how nationalism is always fascist nationalism rather than the simple patriotic American nationalism of Trump.  So getting rid of Trump was essential to The Great Reset.   Her context is the global context, while in this latest Noise of Thunder radio show.  Chris Pinto's context is American politics.   He sees the ousting ofTrump as equivalent to the Jesuit Gunpowder Plot to bring down the Protestant King in England.  In this case it unseats a strong defender of Protestant values in American government and brings back all the Jesuitically supported leftist doctrines Trump had overturned.    

Pinto mentions a video by a conservative Catholic, Taylor Marshall,  decrying the inluence of leftist Catholicism in America with this election, "The United States of Pope Francis:"   

The United States of Pope Francis: Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and John Roberts - YouTube

How happy Catholics would have been to see such a broad Catholic influence in America, but this influence isn't traditional Catholicism, it's globalism, it's Marxism, it's abortion, it's treated pagan religions as equivalent to Christ, and they don't want that any more than Protestants do. Taylor Marshall is certainly Catholic, however, recites The Lord's Prayer in Latin, which is hocus pocus that doesn't please God , so he's sadly deceived about salvation in Christ although his politics are congenial to a Protestant. He's one of many conservative Catholics who oppose Pope Francis though they've never understood that the existence of the papacy itself is antichrist. He doeswn't understand that even the title " Vicar of Christ" is antichrist, he thinks the problem is with this particular Pope, or individual Popes. He thinks the Roman Church has been infiltrated by alien forces, that are now infiltrating the American government, rather than that the institution itself has been corrupt at its core from the beginning. But he's got a lot of things right on the politial level. To call ecumenicism the religious version of globalism is prescient of him. He's rightly saddened by all this, rightly says "All we can do is pray," but then tells us we should "pray the rosary" many times a day, and then closes with the "Ave Maria," which is of course a direct reflection of just what we are told in scripture NOT to do, pray the repeititive prays of the heathen. Oh Taylor Marshall, prayer is talking to God from your own heart, not reciting empty formulas. We should certainly be praying of course, and one thing we should pray for is that Catholics will see through their apostate religion and repent.

Anyway, Chris Pinto identifies the ascent of Biden and other Catholics as an American Gunpowder Plot.  It's a big coup for the globalists of course, since Trumpian style America is the biggest obstacle to their plans.  With him out of the way and the rest of us silenced their path is clear.  

  Transforming America is part of the project and there is still the problem of us uppity liberty-loving American patriots, but they've been succeeding awfully well at shutting us up if not converting us. What's astonishing is how they get so many ordinary liberals to work toward their goals. How is it that ALL the mainstream news reporters include the term "baseless" in their references to Trump's claims of election fraud? How have so many been persuaded to further the propaganda machine? How did they get all the Big Tech powers working in concert to silence the truth? What sort of network of influences has to be involved to pull that off? And how scary is it that every time we think we may have a voice for our side out there, such as for instance Newsmax, it ends up letting us down? So Newsmax shut up Mike Lindell who was talking about election fraud. That's a No-No even for Newsmax. Can't even discuss it as a possibility that should be investigated. Nope, we've got to toe the party line which is that it's "baseless" and nobody is allowed to have a contrary opinion even when our own eyes tell us they are lying.

 Not sure how much more needs to happen before the Antichrist Global Religiopolitical Government is solidly established and the stage is fully set for the Grand Finale of the great battle of good versus evil that has been playing out on Planet Earth since the Creation. 


That;s it of course, the Grand Finale that those who are following biblical prophecy know is coming soon, starting with the Snatching Away of the Church followed by the Day of the LORD.   John MacArthur has a recent series on the Day of the LORD:    

Understanding the Day of the Lord, Part 1 - YouTube

Understanding the Day of the Lord, Part 2 - YouTube

Understanding the Day of the Lord, Part 3 - YouTube

They aren't expecting the Great Glitch though, or the Great Wrench in the Works, which is that as soon as they get their global plans in order and manage to get rid of millions of dissenters, the Day of the LORD will descend on them in fury.    

They aren't expecting God.  

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