Sunday, February 7, 2021

BACK TO HCQ. The Love of Money is the Root of All Evil // The Fear of Man Bringeth a Snare

UPDATE 3.     Keep finding things on Zelenko's website I want to post.   Here's a whole page with some links on it:    Dr. Zelenko Telemedicine Consultation - Stand Out Global

There's a short video there, less than two minutes, where he discusses the vaccine and concludes that nobody needs it.  If you are low risk you don't need it because you'll recover anyway, and if you're high risk you can take the HCQ protocol prophylactically or when symptoms first appear and do well.   If you get the virus you'll develop antibodies and be protected that way. 

And remember, the ionophore-plus-zinc treatments work with any version of the virus, all its mutant versions, whereas the vaccines only work with a specific virus.

There's also a video, about eight minutes, of his discussion with  a pharmacist who refused to fill his presription for HCQ, which shows that the political suppression is going strong.

UPDATE 2:   Here is a very inspiring interview with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko who was the first to develop the HCQ treatment.  He goes into his own personal experiences over the last year dealing with cancer,  and how he learned about the HCQ plus zinc treatment, then the political suppression of his treatment and the political attacks on him personally.  He describes how the treatment works.        01/28/2021: Dr. Zelenko: Interview with Peter Breggin (

He answers a question in this interview that I've had for some time, which is how Trump got COVID if he was taking HCQ as we know he did for a while. Zelenko says he took it for two weeks and then stopped, he doesn't knjow why.   So its efficacy as a prophylactic is not called into question after all.  I still have the question why he didn't resume taking it when he first got symptoms.

He had a personal experience of losing his frear of man during his bout with cancer so here's the scripture basis for that:

Proverbs 29:25  The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

Main point to keep in mind about the medical situation:  Zelenko's protocol is not the only effective treatment, which he mentions in the interview, although since it works so well I'm happy staying with it, but he emphasizes that the main thing is EARLY TREATMENT WITH HIGH-RISK PATIENTS.  It has to be early and there's no point in treatintg low-risk patients because they recover on their own. 

UPDATE 1:  Was sent this video about people in Israel dying after receiving either the first or second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.   Many Dying In Israel after Receiving Vaccine: - YouTube


I'm still a big fan of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID at the first apearance of symtoms.  Although we now have many new options as well HCQ continues to occupy its own special niche, the best option of them all if it can be used at the right time.   There are better treatments now for the later stages of the disease, and there are now vaccines of course.   But if you're lucky enough to catch the symptoms at their earliest appearance, HCQ is still the remedy of choice.  It prevents the development of the more dangerous phase of the virus, can knowck it out within the first week without hospitalization.   

Ivermectin is another drug with a good record, and quercetin works the same way HCQ does, only not quite as effectively.    I've got Quercetin and Zinc on hand and take it from timje to time but not regularly.  HCQ and Quercetin are ionophores and zinc is an ion.  It's Zinc that kills the virus in the cells but it needs an ionophore to open the cell for it to get in and do its work.  (I don't see why it wouldn't work just as well on one version of the virus as another mutated version too since it  doesn'[t like viruses, period.)    HCQ works best for that purpose.  None of this has changed.  I still think HCQ the treatment of choice if it's available at the right time and I still think it would have saved most of those who have died if it hadn't been politically suppressed.   You can read all about it at 

The Zelenko Protocol:  The Zelenko protocol (


Of course we now have the vaccines as well.  I know lots of people who have had it without problems but I also know of a large number of cases of bad reactions and even death, besides which it's still not completely clear how effecrive they are either in keeping you from getting the virus or keeping you from spreading it.  I'm not ready to have an opinion about it except to say I'm wary of it.   And I'm still convinced that the best way to go is HCQ at the first appearance of symptoms.   Oh and it's also good to do what you can to boost your immune system.  Vitamin C, Vitamin D in particular, the best form of D being sunlight.   Wear a mask when appropriate.   We all know when it's appropriate even if the politicians don't.  (Or I'd like to think so, but people out walking or biking in the open air without other people around don't need it.  Do I have to say this?)_

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