Monday, February 22, 2021

Dismantling America continued

 It seems quaint even to ask the question, whatever happened to "I hate your opinion but i'll fight to the death for your right to say it" or however that goes?  It's gone gone gone.  We are in the Age of Censorship.  No more freedom of speech if you don't share the views of the ruling party

.  I was trying to find Mike Lindell's documentary about the election.  I kind of knew I wouldn't be able to and I couldn't.  There are dozens of copies of it at You Tube but all have been disabled so you can't hear them or even get them to run at all.  I came on the scene too late I suppose, some did get to see it a while back but now it's been successfully censored.  Censored with a vengeance.  Someone posts the film and it gets immediately disabled.  

Sometimes they put up a warning message alleging unsavory content of some sort.  Lindell on an interview I saw showed one allegation of sexual scenes in his documentary as an excuse for banning it.  I remember seeing a similar warning on something I wanted to watch a while back that alleged "emotionally disturbting" content.  I'd already seen it once so I knew there was nothing emotionally disturbing in it.  Except maybe to liberals who are disturbed by conservative opinions ("Illegal immigration, high taxes and the minimum wage all deprive American workers of jobs."  Or "Poverty is not caused by other people being rich."  Or "There will probably always be individual racists in the world but there is no longer systemic racism in America."    Boo!"    And they all fall down clutchinjg their throats.)   

This is all going somewhere you know.  They have to control what the pulblic thinks in order to pull off their totalitarian control of all of us.  They'll put the dissenters in reeducation camps and continue to shut up opinions that contradict the party line wherever they appear to be a threat to the ruling class, until eventually they own and control it all.   The Liberal Elites, eventually the Global Elites who will dispense with the Liberal Elites as so many Useful Idiots.  

They must be happy with all the COVID deaths considering that there has always been a simple way of preventing them that has been politically suppressed for a year now.  

Somehow they got themselves convinced that it is a righteous thing to censor your opponent's political views.  Against centuries of American affirmation of freedom.  A twist of a word here, a diabolical interpretation there, a baldfaced lie when necessary.  

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