Sunday, February 21, 2021

Dismantling America by all means necessary

 Some on the Left are actually saying out loud that they think those who supported Trump need to be "reeducated" in camps for that purpose.  We're "cultists" according ot them, who need to be deprogrammed.    That's how brainwashed THEY are, WE are the ones still capable of thinking, but they've got the power these days and that's what counts in the end, isn't it?.

We've heard such things for years of course, but it seems to be more out in the open now.  This is the theme of Chris Pinto's radio show on the 13th and he puts up audio quotes to prove it.  I hate to think how many liberals I even count as friends might think such reedeucation would be a good thing for me.   toward the end of the show Pinto talks about the threat to the second amendment.

  NOTR - RE-EDUCATION CAMP RHETORIC ON THE RISE - 2.13.21 - Show Downloads - Noise of Thunder Radio with Chris Pinto

Earlier I happened to hear about Johns Hopkins University's plan to remove a huge slab of rock wall on which is engraved the First Amerdment to the Constitution.  You know, free speech, free press.  They just bought this museum property and are redesigning it without that message.  One could get all suspicious about this and think they consciously want to rid the university of such an opinion as the right to free speech, but at least one does wonder if anyone stood up for keeping it at least as a local landmark.  I only looked at the article in the Washington Post and didn't see that mentioned.  Anyway, even if nobody is consciously censoring the Constitution I can't help noting that it's a sign of the times anyway, as conservatives and others are being silenced by the tyrannical left on social media, and now they want to "reedeucate" us to conform to THEIR opinions.   This idea of reeducation is such a timeworn well known Communist tactic I have to assume they know that too and it doesn't bother them that they are on the side of America's enemies.

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