Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Who "Stormed" the Capitol Building?

UPDATE:  6 PM.  Larry Elder reports information coming from an FBI source that at least one busload of Antifa members were involved.  Of coruse I want to think it was ALL Antifa and no Trump supporters but it looks like some of them had to be Trump supporters.  Disappointing.  Nothing to be gained, everyhthing to be lost by this kind of action.  Also Elder reported that the woman who died was shot by the Capitol police for refusing to comply with orders.  

Later hearing about more violence.  Since I don't have TV I have to go looking for the pictures.  Also hearing three people were hospitalized but not because of the event, strictly medical situations.  Well, the plot will probably keep thickening.\


I slept through it.  I'd heard some of the rally ealier and fell asleep.   I woke up to hear some comments by a couple of radio talk show hosts, not terribly coherent, took a while for the main outline of what happened to take shape.   Some number of people at the D.C. Trump rally broke off from the march to the Capitol and "stormed" the building.  Some got inside.  A few had guns.  One woman got shot.  

There were rumors that it was mostly Antifa dressed in MAGA clothing.  Then the mainstream news report did the usual distortion, stuck the word "false" into the account of Trump's ongoing concern about election tampering, aired the opinions only of those who denounced the people who "stormed" the Capitol building as Trump supporters although there is certainly reason to question who they were.  

Some called it "violence," implying something like the riots in Portland and Seattle.  One local talk show host has totally given up on Trump because of it although he gave no reaspm fpr that in anything Trump himself said or did, except later suggesting that continuing the line that he was cheated of the election was a cause.  Otherwise he said something about how people who want to riot are going to riot, that it dodesn't matter if they were Trump supporters or Antifa.   He used the word "riot," and alluded to looting and burning although nothing else has suggested any of that happened/.   

My head is spinning.

Went to find some pictures.  One headline from CNN says "Stunning Footage of Rioters Inside Capitol."  Kind of makes you expect a lot of violent activity, maybe tear gas smoke in the air?   The "stunning" pictures show people walking into the building in a line through a cordoned off pathway, a few holding American flags.  Rioters?   But then another shot showed some pushing and shoveing and some people breaking a window to enter the building.  But it was followed by the same "stunning" footage of people calmly walking in an orderly line.

It's going to be a while before I know what to think about any of this.  We've endured months of real rioting on the Left to which elected leaders turned a blind eye and which the media lied about as "peaceful."  Even a big one in D.C. after another Trump rally in which Rand Paul and his wife were threatened.  The D.C. mayor thinks that's just fine.  But if possibly some Trump supporters walked quietly into the Capitol building that's not fine, that's "insurrection."  

We won't know the truth for a while, and I'm pretty sure half the country will never know it.   

Added:  The mainstream news makes me sick to my stomach.  Another "news report" that is nothing but leftist propaganda about how it is all Trump's fault that some people broke into the CapCapitol building because of how he talks about the "baseless" and "false" electioin tampering, for which there is "no evidence."  But there is tons and tons and tons of evidence.   Obviously this is a coup by the Left, all this lying,  all in the effort to manipulated public opinion, truth be damned.  I suspect, don't know of course but suspect, that we'll find out a lot of this event was the work of Antifa.  And we can know for sure that if it were a Democrat contesting an election the media would be supporting that effort completely.  How long can 74 million people put up with this disenfranchisement of our political rights?  I'm afraid forever, it's just going to run right over us and destroy the country.  A few Trump supporters "storming" the Capitol building, if that is what happened, is not going to accomplish anything.  I don't know what will but that won't.  And again I don't know if it WAS Trump supporters.

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