Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A Guy from Queens Who Talks Like a Guy from Queens, or just Leftist Craziness, or Leftist Corruption or Both?

 I guess they really brelieve this stuff?  DO they really believe this stuff?  What kind of mental derangement does it take to believe this stuff?

Was Trump really trying to get the Georgia Secretary of State to break the law and come up with fake ballots to put Trump in the win?  Do they REALLY believe that's what he was doing?  What is the matter with these people?  Just as on the Ukraine call they so stupidly impeached him over, there were lots of people listening in.  There was nothing wrong with the call.  They've invented or hallucinated a wrongdoing that just is not there.   Do they REALLY REALLY REALLY believe this stuff?   I find it very hard to believe they could, but it sure sounds like they do.

So he said somethinjg like all the Secretary of State would have to do is "find" the number of votes he lost by.  Isn't the context obvious?  How couold it not be?  He's CLEARLY saying something like 

Look this is no big deal, I only lost by such and such number of botes.  You don't have to do some complicated investigation to find, say, the TRUE NUMBER OF VOTES I ACTUALLY WON BY, which was no doubt huge by comparison, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS OVERTURN THE AMOUNT OF FRAUD THAT LOST ME THAT MUCH SMALLER NUMBER OF VOTES.   

That's all.   How much of this endless attempt to bring down Trump is mere stupidity of this sort and how much the lying cheating fraudulent mentality of the Left?  I find it hard to tell sometimes.   This isn't even foot-in-mouth Queens Speak, this is a perfectly normal way of talking about the necessary steps to be taken to overturn voter fraud enough to right the wrong without REALLY doing what should be done to REALLY right it.   REALLY righting the wrong is just too much to ask of these guys so Trump is letting him off the hook:  just do the right thing enough to bring about the right result even if it's still a wrong as far as the numbers go.

This CBS excuse for a report and analysis is just beyond all sanity.  We are being run by a new kind of idiocy.  Analysis of Trump's phone call to Georgia's secretary of state - YouTube

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