Friday, January 1, 2021

Not Much Happy New Year From Where I Sit

 Having a depressing New Years' Day, sorry.   Just reviewing some of the hatred of Trump out there and lamenting the political insanity of it all.  So they'll get Biden and destroy the country once and for all I guess, it's all over.  Got him by fraud of course but there are so many "liberal" judges and other authorities now the corruption and fraud is just going to go on and on.   Here and there I run across conservatives who think the fraud will be proved before Januuary 20 and Trump will remain President.  I doubt it.  And  if that did happen we'd just see massive violence from the Left.  We'll probably continue to see it anyway.  This is no longer America, hasn't been for some time really but Hello Venezuela North under Biden and company.  Especially if Georgia's fraud picks the two crazy radical Democrat senators over the Republicans.

Well maybe we can keep the real America alive in our hearts at least, if we aren't reduced to such poverty and misery we have no time for such niceties.   Watched again that nice "walkaway" video by the young woman Georgia H, I Was Wrong About the Democratic Partd and it does give me hope that there are such sane intelligent young people in the country even if there aren't enough of them to keep us from the inevitable destruction, when we are up against the kinds of corruption usually seen only in the worst countries.  

She seems to have had a naturally sane conservative intuition about things in spite of her persistent adherance to the Democratic Party.  I wonder how many others are out there with a similar good sense who may yet see the light.   The "wokeness" that is racism itself and far from the compassion it claims to be, I don't know if she knows so much of all that comes out of Marxism yet or not but at least she sees its hypocrisy and craziness;  the false slogans against conservatism, the suppression of access to the truth both by thought control and actual suppression.   SO happy someone can see through all that coming from where she started.

And I still love all the black conservatives.  Maybe I'll watch again the movie about Clarence Thomas "Created Equal"  and the one by Larry Elder   "Uncle Tom" and Dinesh D'Souza's "Trump Card."    Pretty soon it may be that the only reality and sanity will exist in such forms.  

Wow now I can't write without other words popping up instead. I wanted to go on to say how the girl in that walkaway video said how she's come to respect the philosophy of conservatism but wouldn't take the time to talk about it in this film because it could take a whole video or even tomes as she put it. We need to spell out the philosophy of conservatism, it's been the victim of leftist propaganda but if more people understood it correctly they couldn't help but see that it's the antidote to all the craziness and danger the left is bringing upon us. But it's probably too late. Oh I certainly hope the New Year will bring some sanity, I just can't believe it's going to.  I can't start a new paragraph without something changing all my words so I'm going to end this.

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