Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Great Reset

Been hearing about this off and on for a while now.  The Great Reset apparently a plan by the "global elites" for the world government that has been in the making for some time.  World socialism, abolition of private property, digital currency among other things.    The link is to Jan Markell's latest Understanding the Times radio show.  Since her show is prophecy focused the main idea is that this is probably the plan for the government that will be in place according to Revelation 13 as the global center of the Great Tribulation.

You've got to hear the Catholic Archbishop from about 38:00.   Amazing statement.  He gets it.

Then from about 49 on the role of the COVID vaccine is discussed.

Antichrist Kingdom Rising (Part 1) – Pastor Brandon Holthaus and Pastor Billy Crone - YouTube

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