Friday, October 2, 2020

The Suppression of HCQ is Scary and Frustrating

 President and Melania. Trump have tested positive for Coronavirus.  He has some slight symptoms.  NO MENTION OF HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE, which they should be taking as of now.  


Why are they all acting like the virus will either get them or it won't?  He took HCQ prophylactically some time ago.  WHY IS IT NOT EVEN BEING MENTIONED NOW????:   

Update:  Friday morning I heard a few minutes of Rush Limbaugh expressing sadness about Trump's having the virus.  NO MENTION of HCQ.    Later in the day Ben Shapiro also talked about the incident without mentioning HCQ although he had as a guest an MD who discussed all the various treatments they are working on for the virus, many "promising therapeutics" among them.  Mark Levin also discussed the situation without mentioning HCQ.  I didn't hear Hannity at all today so I have no idea what he said about any of it.

I thoughjt I was used to strange and dangerous misbehavior these days, and confusing reports about everything that's going on, including the crazy banning of HCQ, lying media, fake news etc. etc. etc. but this complete blackout of any mention of this drug that many reputable medical people say is pretty much a cure for COVID, yes a CURE, is scarier than anything else that's happened.  Trump himself took the drug but not a word about that.  I can name many sources of positive information about it, but it's as if it never existed.  As the Australian politician says, withholding this drug is a crime against humanity, it's not just the usual expectable slander and character assassination and that sort of thing, it's actual all-out murder by people who know the drug would work if used properly.  We don't need more "promising therapeutics" although why not? the more the better;  we certainly don't need to be in a big rush to get a vaccine which is likely to be dangerous in itself, BECAUSE we already have a treatment that WORKS.  Harvey Risch of the Yale Department of Public Health aid we have it, all we need to do is use it.  

Besides Risch, ER physician Simone Gold and cardiologist Daniel Wohlgelernter both testified to its efficacy with COVID.  She lost her job for it, don't know what happened to him.  Risch was interviewed by Mark Levin but haven't seen anything by him recently.  The Nigerian doctor who was one of those strongly advocating its use based on her experience, got trounced because of her belief in some demonic something or other which has nothing to do with the virus.    I wish I knew who to bombard with this information.  Most would ignore it, but there must be some out there who woulde take it seriously.  I guess if I did too much of that sort of thing I'd just end up dead.  Happens.  I pray of course, maybe the LORD in His mercy will provide a path to sanity about this.

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