Sunday, October 4, 2020

More on the suppression of HCQ, plus a "walkaway" video about leftist lies

This is all-out politically motivated censorship.  Yes we are already living in the USSRA.  It's not exactly the government that is doing this, it's people in the media, those who run social media.  It's a huge disinformation campaign.   The link below is to an article about Dr. Simone Gold.  She's been banned for spreading "misinformation."  I guess most Americans just don't believe this is possible so they'll find the fault to be with her somehow.  We've got to stop being cowardly, they'll muzzle anyone who opposes them but there must be avenues we can find somewhere.

While I'm at it, I also found this really interesting video by a young woman who has changed her mind about the Democratic Party.  She was a teacher and is now an ER nurse.  Who knows how long they'll let her video stay up on You Tube.  She says she's been "shadow banned" already.  As a teacher she'd dedicated herself to helping black students and over time saw how the liberal policies she'd accepted actually having the opposite effect to what she thought they were all striving for, to help these students succeed in life.   Her experience as an ER nurse also contributed to her change of heart.  She's wonderfully articulate.

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