Sunday, September 13, 2020

This isn't going to pass, it's only going to get worse.

 Come soon, Lord Jesus.   Not just for the sake of the Church, though happy we would be to be taken out of this worsening world we're in, but so things can't just go on and on getting worse  all the time without any clear end in sight.    The Tribulation will certainly be much worse but it's time-limited and many will be saved during it, and God will be their refuge. .

Chris Pinto's latest two radio shows as usual get at what's going on behind the scenes.   The Marxist and also Satanist/occultic underpinnings of BLM is the subject of the show on September 5th..  (Remember Hitler was into occultism and some say he was clearly possessed by Satan when he gave his speeches, which were not in his own voice.  No surprise to find this spirit-being hater of mankind behind any destructive movements on this planet.  Marx was also a practicing Satanist and Pinto quotes him on the subject).   

The following radio show, on September 12, is about how we're witnessing an attempt at a Communist revolution in the rioting.   How ordinary liberals and leftists who support BLM are what the Communists call "useful idiots" who won't be needed when the revolution has done its work.  Listen up.

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