Thursday, September 17, 2020

There is only one Republican Possibility

I'm not sure what I think of the Unity idea put forward by Bret Weinstein to add a moderate Democrat and a moderate Republican to the ticket with Trump and Biden.   Well, really I do know what I think about a few things.  I think it is clever and creative, and I think it's based on a wrong idea about the election.  There may have been some reason in the past to refer to our two=party system as a "duopoly," but that's not what's going on now.   

Just guessing, I doubt it would take votes from Trump, because I doubt there are many who would vote for him simply because he's the only Republican choice while they'd really prefer a "moderate" --whatever that means: Trump isn't a radical so I don't really get the use of the term.  It might I suppose bring out some voters for the "moderate" Republican who otherwise wouldn't vote at all.   But on the slight possibility that it could take votes from Trump I have to oppose it.  And I suppose it might take votes from Biden on the other hand, but I wouldn't want to gamble on that desirable situation either.   It's hard to know of course but in general I think Trump supporters are a solidly committed bunch who understand this is no ordinary election between two worldviews, this is a tidal wave against the dike that protects the nation, at the moment kept from total destruction only by a guy with his finger in one of its holes.

There is simply no Republican other than Trump who has the personal strength to pursue the goals that need to be pursued.  The Left is so doggedly lying and opposing him at every turn everything he does is a struggle anyway, and there's no denying he has his faults which also compromise his aims, BUT there is simply no other Republican who could have done a tenth of what he's done in the teeth of that opposition.   Not to mention that there is no other Republican who would have been as clear about what needs to be done to keep America America.  

The Leftist opposition isn't going to go away.  Any Republican President is going to be slandered and sabotaged every day just as Trump has been, but Trump seems to have a steel backbone and can take it far beyond what  could have been expected of anyone.  Nobody else could survive it for half a minute.  This is a revolution they are trying to pull off and they aren't going to let up.  I don't know if it's possible to save the country at all, but I know Trump is the only possible man for the moment, like it or not.   (And I suspect those who continue to dislike him to the point of being completely unable to consider voting for him, are still laboring under one lie or another about him.  An antidote could be spending some time listening to the conservatives like Rush and Mark Levin.)

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