Thursday, July 23, 2020

Quick Sketch of What's Going On (Hint: The Marxist Agenda)

A sketchy catch-all post is all I'm up to at the moment but it seems necesary to do that much.  I just got Jan Markell's most recent e-newsletter with her article titled  "Weary Remnant Watch" in which she talks about recent events as biblical signs of the closeness of the Rapture.  I wanted to link it but my bad eyes kept defeating my efforts.  I'm sure it's at her site "Olive Tree Ministries" so it should be easy enough to find with better eyes than mine.    Her theme is her usual of course, emphaasiziong the importance of watching as events unfold in order to be ready for the Rapture, as well as the odd fact that so few Christians and Christian churches are interested in these things these days.  So many of use who take it seriously and try to understand the times do feel like we are all alone in our concern.  I'm happy I have Jan's ministry to read, and John MacArthur's preaching as well, and I do know of Christians and churches that keep up with these things, although there are certainly many others that don't.

Her most recent radio show is also there, at Understqandinbg the Times Radio, which I plan to listen to, about how the current rioting isn't about George Floyd but merely makes an opportuity for the Marxists to tear down the country, which seems pretty clear to be the case to me too.  Here, I found that link:  "The One Hundred Year Agenda (Part1):
(NOTE:  This radio broadcast is important.  Curtis Bowers spells out the Marxist agenda to take down America.  His movies on this subject are available on DVDs at Jan Markell's site, and I also found them for sale and for rent to watch online at Amazon.  Titles:  1. Agenda:  Grinding Down America, and 2.  Agenda:  Masters of Deceit.)

Recently I've discovered a group of people who consider themselves to be liberals but who nevertheless see the political situation very much as conservatives do.  They aren't Christians but they are honest thinkers and I enjoy listening to them.  Jordan Peterson is one of them, who has the Bible series I criticize in a recent post, and others more or less in the group or on its fringes are also rather aggressive atheists.  Nevertheless they are able to see the problems in the current uprising.  They don't much like Trump, or most of them don't, but those of us who do support Trump may find ourselves in agreement with many of their current political analyses.

I just watched for instance Coleman Hughes, a very young black man who does a fine job on the racism excuse for burning down the country.  "Is BLM Right" is the title of that video.

Other blacks who are not conservatives but have a similar perspedtive on these things are Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, and at least half a dozen others whose names are escaping me.  And there are also the conservative blacks such as Thomas Sowell, Larry Elder and Candace Owens who need to be mentioned, and i can't even remember more of them at the moment.    Of course they shouldn't have to be black to speck on these things but in the current political climate it may add some credibility that would help.  Maybe not too since the Left very aggressively dismisses anyone who disagrees with them, doesn't matter who they may be. \

Anotner theme I've been following is how the pandemic has been distorted by politics so that finding out what is really going on is difficult to put it mildly.   there is a video about the politicizstion of the drug hydroxychloroquine by a coupld of MDs who say it's completely safe, has been used for decades after all, but wsas badly misused in the  recent studies that found it to be harmful or at least of no benefit.  Dr. Simone Gold is one of them and I can't remember the man, I'll have to come back later to give that reference.   At the moment  I just want at least to point to some resources in case anyone might want to pursue them.  Again, better eyes than mine, or better memory for that matter, should be able to find these things with such scant clues.  I hope so anyway.

Found it (July 30):
Dr. Daniel Wohlgelernter is the other whose name I couldn't remember before:

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