Monday, July 27, 2020

Is the Communist Revolution underway in America now?

I'm again watching the two films I mentioned earlier, Agenda: Grinding America Down and Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit, put together by Curtis Bowers.  You can rent or buy them at Amazon, or get them on DVD at Jan Markell's "Understqanding the Times" website.  The first one won awards, think the second one did too but not sure.  The first one has a rather antiquated feel because he uses so many clips from earlier decades.  I know liberals would dislike a lot of it because it is overtly Republican and overtly Christian, but I sorely wish liberals would come to see at least how we on the right see these things, with at least a modicum of respect if not belief.  

It isn't about current events because they were made in 2009 I think and 2017, and the current focus of that time was the Obama administration, but the overall content is how the Communist Party and Marxism in its many forms has been working behind the scenes for a hundred years to undermine America.  I' ve been very aware for many yeas of the Sixties contribution to the effort and how successful it has been in that most of our political terminology from the Left is easily traceable to that influence.  Political Correctness was invented by Marxism   and Social Justice was invented by Marxism.   And my impression is that the rioting we are seeing today in major cities has to have been promoted by forces organized by Marxists, which they may very well see as their hoped-for revolution finally getting the kickstart they've been waiting for through the last few  decades.  They've succeeded in getting enough radicals into local office to oppose efforts to quell the rioting, stifling the usual forces of law and order, much of it through their most effective weapon of lying propaganda.  It ls really amazingt to see how well they are pulling off their agenda.  And then it's amazing to see how radical are the platforms of the current Democratic Party, even by the formerly middle of the road Biden.  Stuff that most Democrats wouldn't have supported a decade ago.

Well-meaning liberals don't seem to know that the liberal Demcratic Party they may think they support is no longer that party and that they are actually supporting the Communist overthrow of America.  I fell for it myself for many years.  Most of us never learned enough about the principles that govern America to be able to object to any of it, and in the sixties the Left succeeded in getting the universities to throw out their required courses in American History and Institutions and Western Civilization, and the effort to vilify both has continued relentlessly while revisionist histories are being taught in their place.   Which is why today's generation is so willing to destroy our entire heritage, the good with the bad.

I'm certainly aware of how such an idea is going to be scorned and dismissed by most nice well meaning liberals.  You'll be able to find all kinds of criticism of these films and various of its concepts just about anywhere you look these days, much of it given a respectable academic framework, very persuasive of course.  At the same time the conservative point of view is being suppressed by major sources of news and information, including social media.  Hard to combat such an organized propaganda effort, and the sad truth is that they have become very very organized in recent years.  Yes I know it must be hard to believe. 

In the context of my recent end-times posts I am guessing that all this is setting the stage for the Tribulation period's world government after the Christian Church has left the planet.  

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