Wednesday, June 24, 2020

What does MAGA mean?

Mulling over what Weinstein said in the Rogan interview about the MAGA slogan, how the last word "Again" pokes a finger in the eye and was intended to do so.   Whose eye according to him I'm not sure.  But the statement came as sort of a revelation to me, maybe explaining why that slogan is such an offense when to  me and I would suppose to most on my side of the political divide it holds a promise of restoring everything good that America once stood for that it seems to us the Left has been trying to destroy for decades but most determinedly under Obama.

Weinstein says it wasn't great "for everybody" but that it could become great for everybody.  That phrase "for everybody" shows an abysmal lack of understanding of the idea of America's greatness that I find both illuminating and deeply distressing.   Illuminating because I would never have guessed the level of ignorance that finds the slogan offensive and it's good to know if that is the right explanation, and of course distressing because it does show such an abysmal ignorance of American history and America's position in history.   In saying this I don't claim I have such a great education in these things either, I think we've all been deprived of the knowledge we've needed for decades to help fend off the powers of darkness that are trying to destroy us.

America's greatness is in its brilliant conception, it is not about anybody or everybody, it is about the concept of how to govern the flawed fallen human race for the good of all.  and if it had been practiced just as it was conceived it would have been just that...  for everybody.   Whatever the protestors are objecting to it is not America as it was meant to be and always could have been, it is people NOT living according to what it was meant to be.  However, the greatness is in the conception and not what fallen people do with it, though fallen people have been trying to pull it down for a long time now, and all Trump was saying was that we want to restore its original greatness which would be great "for everyone" if practiced as conceived.

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