Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Very Welcome Liberal Voice -- up to a point

It's always exciting to discover people I can agree with.  It's most exciting to find Christians I'd never heard of before who preach a powerful orthodoxy, especially with a deep spiritual experience behind it.   But a strong voice for sanity inour disintegrating crazy world is an exciting thing to find too.  In this case I just discovered a liberal/leftist who is actually sane and sees the dangers in Black Lives Matter and the current uprisings all over the nation.  This is Bret Weinstein who as a professor at Evergreen State College in Washington was attacked some years ago as a supposed racist, which launched him into a whole new life of calling down this insanity, which as he rightly sees it is a threat to civilization itself.

I object to his leftist politics, he's a supporter of Bernie Sanders of all things, oh yikes (he obviously hasn't yet seen the Marxist foundation of all this madness), and he's an evolutionary biologist who has a lot to say from that perspective too, which gives me a case of violent eyeball rolling, but he's got a sane perspective on the current political situation that is enormously refreshing and hope-inspiring.  Besides, even what I object to in his thinking gives him a special credibility he wouldn't have as a right-winger, so I have to be happy about that.  There's hope for him though.  He likies a lot of what Tucker Carlson has to say.   He's no conservative but perhaps he'll get there.  "A conservative is a liberal who got mugged by reality."

Later:  Listening to another interview with Weinstein, a very recent one with Joe Rogan, and now I'm objecting to the way he justifies the actions of BLM as a function of a system, not the racism as the movement thinks of it but a system that somehow perpetuates the effects of slavery.  This is mystification.  I'm sure it sounds reasonable to a person imbued with Marxist logic but just as Marxist logic never touches down on Planet Earth so that one could get an idea of what is being talked about this also remains irritatingly abstract and theoretical and ultimately meaningless.  Besides, how exactly does this economic system single out blacks anyway?  No, sorry, this cannot explain any of what is going on.  But the effect of decades of Marxist indoctrination DOES explain it.  Love your ability to see what's wrong with all this Mr. W, do not think you have a clue about its causes.

People who "feel disenfranchised" or ARE disenfranchised but by a system of economics?  NO!  This is madness in itself.   NO!   Now I'm thinking this would just fan the flames, it's just a version of Marxism and the problem is already caused by Marxist indoctrination.  NO!  The "feeling disenfranchised" is caused BY Marxist indoctrination, the way Marxism creates class conflict by supposedly merely analyzing its presence.  No, this is a Marxist invention the whole thing and it's anti-American, anti-freedom, it's not real, it's a mad theory reified aimed at destroying the best form of government ever invented.

Wow, the more I listen the less I like what he's saying.  He "resents" Trump's slogan about making America great AGAIN because "there are populations for whom it has never been great."   Oh dear, all the work we've done to rectify the wrongs of the past and as usual nothing will ever be enough for the Marxist wrecking ball mentality.   And let's be clear that the "Again" is a reference to the hope of reversing the destructive policies of Obama that were aimed to diminish American greatness and in fact destroy the country, and he did NOTHING for the black community.  Trump did more economically for all minorities than any Democrats ever did.

This is simply a lie.  If anything blacks are the privileged class in the last few decades, not whites since they have been given all sorts of handicaps including Affirmative Action at the expense of ordinary whites..  They have plenty of problems but the cause is not racism, not some ghostly holdover from slavery in the economic system,  and let me bnote that their worst situation is in Democrat-controlled areas.  The cause is at least partly the result of being TOLD they are being mistreated and that the cause is outside themselves and their own communities and their own power to change.

No, this is a bogus analysis Mr. Weinstein.  Oh I agree completely, you are right that this could certainly morph into the next version of Mao's China or Hitler's Germany.  I think that's where it is definitely headed, but no there is no justification for any of it, I will not accept that.  Government has intervened and intervened and intervened and it's only made things worse because the Democrats don't have a clue what is needed or they don't care or they are too busy trying to get power over their political opponents.   They make it impossible for a real education to be had for instance, don't allow vouchers to give parents a choice to remove their children from the hideously bad schools to schools where they could actually get an eduation; they don't do anything about the crime in the black neighborhoods, they'd rather blame the cops, and now they are pushihng this insane solution of taking the police away altogether.  Yes Mr. W opposes that, he has some common sense, yes he sees where this is headed, but I can't accept his ridiculous analysis of the causes.  The kind of thinking that justifies any of this insanity can only make things worse.

His views made me feel better for a while, and I guess he still has some I can appreciate, but overall the whole thing has gone sour.  He's too much a part of the problem himself.

I hope to come back with some links.  But he's not hard to find through Google or You Tube.

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